7 Fantastic Friendships In Shoujo Manga And Anime

7. Mikan & Hotaru, Natume & Ruka (Gakuen Alice)

Mikan and Hotaru in Uniform

Mikan originally goes to the Alice Academy in search of Hotaru. Once there, their friendship only gets stronger, especially during one of the manga’s most important arcs, where Hotaru is willing to sacrifice herself to save Mikan from heartbreak.

Ruka and Natsume

Natsume and Ruka in Blue
Natsume and Ruka in sailor outfits

Like Hotaru and Mikan, these best friends tend to be polar opposites. Despite this, they are always there for each other. They remain loyal friends even when they both realize they are in love with Mikan.

6. The Cast of Orange

The full friend group

When it comes to Orange, although one of the major plot points is the love triangle between Kakeru, Naho, and Hiroto, in my opinion, there would be no story without the 6 friends. The dynamic of the friendships, including the imperfections, make the group of friends seem organic and real. I love Azusa, Takako, and Saku just as much as the others. The way they find their way back to each other is also very honest.

5. Kimi Ni Todoke Cast

Sawako, Ayane, and Chizuru

The whole cast of Kimi Ni Todoke is a treasure, but when I think of the series, I always think of Suwako, Ayane, and Chizuru first. One could say that Shota and Suwako are the heart of the series, but I would also argue that this trio of friends is the soul of the series. The girls all consider themselves outcasts for different reasons, but they find comfort and support in each other. Plus, Chizuru and Ayane are often a riot. Especially the way they support the slow-moving OTP.

4. Hana Kimi Cast

Sano, Ashiya, and Nakatsu

Hana Kimi is the ultimate Shojo gender bender classic. My favorite aspect was always the large ensemble cast. Whether it’s Ashiya and Nakatsu with his Nakatsu vision, or the forever flirty Nanba senpai. Don’t forget the secret keeper Umeda Sensei.

3. Ouran High School Host Club Cast

Host Club members

I love the entire cast of Ouran! Even though they are all great friends, there are subgroups within the club as well.

Haruhi and the Hitachin Twins

Haruhi and the twins

Haruhi and the twins are in the same grade and class, so they spend a lot of time together. The twins often tease Haruhi, and much like Tamaki, they get excited whenever Haruhi is more feminine. Between Hikaru and Kaoru, Hikaru is the first to realize he has feelings for Haruhi.

Honey and Mori Senpai

Mori and Honey senpai are the third years of the group. Honey senpai can typically be found on Mori’s shoulders. They have a unique relationship. Not only are they best friends, they also have a master and servant relationship because Mori’s family have served Honey’s family for generations.

Tamaki and Kyoya

Kyoya and Tamaki

Best friends and co-founders of the host club. Kyoya can be a bit cold and calculating, but with Tamaki’s outgoing personality, Tamaki balances things out. They have been friends since middle school. Tamaki originally gets close to Kyoya through sheer determination, but eventually, the friendship is mutual. With Tamaki being club president and Kyoya vice president, Tamaki refers to himself as Daddy and Kyoya as the Mommy.

2. Tohru, Uo, and Hana chan, Fruits Basket

Hana, Tohru, and Ou chan

For reasons never really elaborated upon, Tohru suffered a lot of bullying starting from a young age. She first meets Uo chan who happens to also idolize Tohru’s mother, who was known as the crimson butterfly. Uo chan was a gang member and Tohru and her mother helped her escape that life, Tohru and Uo meet Hana chan during their third year of middle school. Hana eventually gravitated towards the two girls because they are accepting of her and her special abilities. Hana and Uo dote on and adore Tohru.

Momiji and Tohru

Momiji in rabbit form

I wanted to give Momiji special mention due to how much he adores Tohru. Due to his rejection from his mother, Tohru is one of the first people in Momiji’s life to accept and love him. He constantly hugs her despite the fact that it causes him to transform.

1)Sailor Moon and The Inner Senshi

Sailor Moon was one of the first examples of a strong female friendship I had as a child growing up with the original dub in the 90s. Usagi is the glue that holds the Senshi together. Rei with her special spiritual abilities, Mako chan with her strength, Ami chan with her intelligence, and Minako chan with her past as Sailor V, all find solace and strength with Usagi. They don’t just love Usagi for being their princess and future queen. They love her for her trusting and accepting nature.

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