Beast Master, Vol 1. Review

For this throwback Thursday Review, I will review Beast Master by Kyousuke Motomi, the mangaka known for Dengeki Daisy, and the currently popular Queens Quality. I was fortunate, once again, to get a review copy from the lovely people at Viz Shojo Beat

Chapter 1

We are introduced to Yuiko Kubozuka, a second-year high schooler whose love of animals is sadly not reciprocated. One night, her cat gets stuck in a tree (in a desperate attempt to escape her.) and is saved by a mysterious boy—one who immediately disappears afterward. Happily for Yuiko, she discovers the next day that the mysterious boy is actually a new transfer student named Leo Aoi, and he is in her class. The other students avoid him because of his so-called “scary eyes,” but that doesn’t scare Yuiko.

Yuiko quickly learns that Leo is actually a Sweetheart with a unique past. He previously lived in Africa, where he had unique run-ins with wildlife. She also discovers that he has a fear of blood. This fear is so strong that it causes him to act wild and destructive to the point of madness. Rumors are flying around the school that several thugs were beaten up the previous night. Yuiko’s classmates suspect it was Leo. She tries to ask Leo about it, but he admits he doesn’t remember much. Except that the thugs injured him, causing him to bleed and go berserk.

Yuiko witnesses Leo’s blood-induced wild side when she and Leo are tricked into going onto the roof by a classmate. This classmate was actually helping the thugs from Leo’s previous encounter get revenge. Yuiko, sensing that Leo will soon lose his composure, tries to warn the revenge-seeking bunch to run, but they pay her no heed. Yuiko saves Leo by jumping on him and covering his eyes to no longer see the blood.

After the ordeal, Leo worries that Yuiko will treat him with the same coldness everyone else does. Fortunately, she quickly reassures him that she is not afraid of him. She even permits him to call her by her first name. He had been referring to her by her Surname until that point.

Chapter 2

Due to everyone’s misconception of Leo being scary, her classmates have dubbed Yuiko the “Beast Master.” They all feel that Yuiko is the only one who can tame him. Meanwhile, Leo is still trying to adjust but has difficulty making friends. Yuiko often finds it amusing how he marvels over simple everyday things like soda.

Leo cares about Yuiko so much as his first friend. He desperately asks her not to abandon him because of his problem with blood. Yuiko soon meets Leo’s guardian, the ex-mercenary Toki. Toki is aware that Yuiko knows about Leo’s problem. He gives Yuiko a blowgun full of tranquilizer darts for her to use should Leo lose himself again. This surprises Yuiko, but Toki explains that if Leo were to kill or seriously injure someone, the guilt would kill him.

Yuiko accepts the blowgun but hopes it will be unnecessary. On her way home, a man tries to threaten and attack her, and Leo arrives just in the nick of time. When Leo begins attacking the man, Toki arrives, reminding Yuiko to use the blowgun, but she refuses. Leo struggles for a bit, but Yuiko calms him much like before. This is a shock to Toki, who says that Leo has sometimes attacked even him.

After successfully bringing Leo back to his senses, Toki apprehends the attacker, and Leo falls asleep in Yuiko’s arms.

Chapter 3

After a dog runs away from her, as per the norm for Yuiko, Leo consoles her by helping her interact with a bird. This cheers her up tremendously. Which in turn makes Leo happy as well.

It turns out that the dog that ran away from Yuiko that morning was no random stray. It was actually her friend’s dog, and she and Leo promised to help find it. Leo quickly helps to find the dog and Yuiko’s friend is so grateful that she recognizes Leo’s kindness. Just as the friends prepare to take the dog home, a wild dog appears, but Leo can distract it so they can run away.

Yuiko takes her friend’s dog to her father, who is a veterinarian. Leo is surprised to learn this, but it does explain Yuiko’s love of animals. They discuss the wild dog for a bit after her friend realizes she recognized him as having previously belonged to a neighbor. It appears the dog was abandoned when the family moved. Leo warns Yuiko that she can’t tame the dog as she does with him, but she ignores his warning,

The dog was on the verge of injuring Yuiko when Leo arrived to help. He freed the dog of its old collar, which had become too small and was able to calm him down. Yuiko feels foolish for disregarding what Leo had said but is happy that the dog will be fine. The dog found a new owner with Yuiko and Leo’s friend, known only as boss. Who, despite giving off scary Yakuza vibes, is actually kind.

Chapter 4

In this chapter, Yuiko and Leo learn a little more about each other and their talents. For example, Leo is an excellent cook, and Yuiko is good at sewing. They discover these things about each other during dinner at Yuiko’s home.

Before the evening is over, Yuiko and Leo have an unpleasant run-in with the classmate who betrayed them back in chapter one. He basically brushes them off when they ask whether or not he will be returning to school. The following day, the school has a sports tournament where Leo plays basketball and does well. As Leo excitedly talks to her, Yuiko falls suspiciously down the stairs. Although Leo saves her as usual, Yuiko feels she may have been pushed down the stairs.

Yuiko’s intuition was right. Her fall was no accident. Her classmate Sasamoto’s girlfriend Morishita did it purposely. Hoping to provoke Leo so much that he would get kicked out of school, allowing her boyfriend to return. She threatens to hurt Yuiko and tries to throw a small harmonizer, a treasured gift from Leo’s parents, over a bridge. Yuiko tries to go after it but nearly drowns before Leo saves it.

Yuiko is angry at Leo for not saving his treasure which he said was as precious to him as his life. Leo reassures her that it is okay because Yuiko is even more precious than his own life. The volume ends with the two of them snuggling together for warmth after their dip in the river.

Overall impressions? Beast Master Is always a 10/1. For me, it’s one of my favorite throwbacks. Released in Japan from 2006-2007 and in English from 2009-2010. I love the dynamic between Leo and Yuiko. I think the unique dynamics between her leads are one of the mangaka’s specialties. Dengeki Daisy’s leads also have a unique spark to them.

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