Queen’s Quality, Vol. 1 Review

This particular review has been a long time coming. I originally bought volume 1 back in February, and I just got volume 2 last week. Queen’s Quality comes from the mangaka of Dengeki Daisy, one of my top ten favorite series, and Beast Master.

*Note: I am going into Queen’s Quality blind not having read the prequel QQ Sweeper* Hopefully, it’s not necessary to read the prequel in order to enjoy Queen’s Quality.

Chapter 1

Fumi Nishioka is the beloved live-in housekeeper to Kyutaro “Q” Horikita and his family. Fumi is an orphan with no memories of her past. Q and his family are special “Sweepers” who guard the doors of people’s minds against ill will and sickness, and Fumi is Kyutaro’s partner in the sweeper business. Fumi seems to adore Kyutaro, but she is convinced he loves a girl named “Fuyu,” so she constantly reminds herself not to get the wrong idea. Fumi is told to prepare for the arrival of someone who may help with her memory loss problem.

Suddenly, an unknown man appears who convinces Fumi that she has been chained and that a precious family plant is in danger. Fumi snaps, and the man is in immediate peril when Q helps her escape it. The man, a psychiatrist named Takaya, explains to Fumi and the Horikita family that Fumi is a “Queen.” her abilities have not been fully awakened and may be used for evil. A Queen is a very rare person capable of controlling the minds of others. Fumi is understandably terrified to learn that there may be no way to fight her fate. Kyutaro declares that just as he stopped her the first time, Fumi won’t become evil on his watch.

Kyutaro’s vow to protect Fumi stems from his love for her. Buried deep within the childhood memories that Fumi can’t recall are memories of Kyutaro. He loves Fumi, who was once named Fuyu, above all else.

Chapter 2

Fumi tries to take a more positive and proactive approach to her situation. While at School, Q acts like Mr. Aloof, but as is evidenced in the previous chapter, he drips love for Fumi. Fumi approaches Takaya asking to be trained and tested by him to keep the Queen inside her at bay. Takaya agrees to test her but warns her that it won’t be easy and it will be up to her whether or not she will involve Kyutaro. Her test is to “Sweep” or “clean ” a club room swarming with evil thoughts due to rumors surrounding its club members. Fumi Is almost overwhelmed when Q arrives to help her.

Takaya warned Fumi that had Kyutaro not stepped in to help; she would have failed. He reminds her that it is essential to know her limits and be able to assess a situation correctly. Although slightly embarrassed, Fumi vows not to give up and to keep training. Dr. Takaya takes Kyutaro aside and deals him a hard blow. He tells him that he can never let Fumi know that Kyutaro knew her from her early childhood. Takaya believes whoever sealed Fumi’s memories away did so to set a trap to awaken the Queen within her should those memories come back to her. He says that she must never know how much Kyutaro loves her for Fumi’s sanity and safety.

Chapter 3

Fumi thinks Q is avoiding her. Of course, Fumi doesn’t know that he is distant out of love and desperation to protect her from herself. Takaya asks Kyutaro if he is sure he is up to the task of never letting Fumi know her past? Q insists he doesn’t care about the sacrifice as long as he can be with her.

Fumi confides in Koichi, one of Kyutaro’s family members (the one who nicknamed him Q), that Q has been distant recently. Fumi feels that she must have suddenly become a burden to him as a Queen. Koichi reassures her that all Q and the family want is for her to be happy and safe. Later, Koichi chews Q out about his treatment of Fumi, saying that the problematic situation is no excuse to treat her unkindly. Koichi tells Q that he must learn to treat Fumi with sincere kindness and yet also be able to look her in the face and lie when necessary.

Kyutaro and Fumi are later sent out for “training,” but it seems more like a shopping date where the two are tasked with buying Fumi a cute, fancy Summer outfit. As it turns out, communicating is not Kyutaro’s only weakness. He hates shopping because he has a huge tendency to overthink. (Don’t we all, darling.) Q apologizes to his dear Fumi before they find her the perfect outfit, not before having some Tsundere moments on his part between himself, Fumi, and the store clerk. Kyutaro is reminded just how hard it will be to keep his love for Fumi to himself.

I love him for this.

Chapter 4

When there are large amounts of ill will and negative thoughts for sweepers like the Horikita family to deal with, they are referred to as “infestations” of “bugs.” People who aren’t as strong as Queens but capable of manipulating others are called “bug handlers.” The chapter opens with a bug handler named Ataru, who seems to have helped a low self-esteem girl. When his sister comments that he could easily manipulate someone like that, he says the girl was too pure. Ataru tells his sister that plenty of bad people deserve to be disposed of instead. He tells his sister not to worry because he has set a trap for a Queen.

Takaya, Q, Fumi, and the gang are aware of the bug handler and how they are likely after Fumi, so Q and Fumi should be on their guard. Before he talks to the family, Takaya can sense that Fumi is on her monthly, and Fumi seems to be suffering worse than usual. It’s not every day that a girl’s menstrual is referenced in fiction, let’s be honest. I applaud the mangaka for it. As a Sweeper in training who has sworn to protect Fumi, Kyutaro is called the “Queen’s Consort” by Takaya. As such, he is expected to be well prepared.

At the beginning of the chapter, Ataru interacts with a fellow student named Miki at Fumi and Q’s school. Others bully her in her photography club who are jealous of her. Fumi was on the way to the nurse when the girls met. Even a teacher is cruel to her. When Fumi tries to defend Miki, the teacher lashes out and hurts Fumi. As it so happens, the malicious teacher has a bad infestation of bugs. The teacher’s behavior makes Fumi so angry that things start to get dangerous when Fumi confronts her.

Chapter 5

Where in the world is Q?! Things are getting dark in this chapter. It seems that Ataru has invaded Fumi’s mind, trying to awaken the Queen. Meanwhile, Fumi, on the outside, has lost herself. Fumi is suddenly bent on destroying the teacher who was cruel to Miki. Queen Fumi nearly takes over, almost blinding the teacher until the ever-reliable Kyutaro arrives. The Queen tries to order him around, but he calls to the real Fumi desperately. Fumi escapes the dark at the sound of his voice and returns.

Takaya informs the family that what happened to Fumi is a rite of passage that was bound to happen. Koichi seems worried, but the Grandma of the family reassures him, saying that what happened is also necessary to awaken the “True Queen.” What she means is not elaborated on. Still, the implication is that the True Queen is a force for good. Fumi is feeling a bit low, and she asks Q if he is afraid of or disgusted with her. He, as always, reassures her that he will always be there for her. Elsewhere, Ataru warns that this first step is only the beginning.

Overall impressions? 10/10! The pacing is so well done. Also, Q is my newest fictional husband. He can hang out with my other fictional husbands, Mamoru from Sailor Moon and Kyo from Fruits Basket. I’ll be rooting for Fumi and the love story. I hope you enjoyed my review of volume 1 of Queen’s Quality.

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