Aside from loving Shoujo manga, I also really adore otome games. Generally, otome games are visual novels aimed at a female audience with multiple romanceable bachelors. Otome means maiden. The following list is some of my personal English-translated favorite otome games. I am so happy that the Nintendo Switch is the new home of otome, replacing the vita, which I never owned. Most games I’ll feature on this list are primarily switch titles.

Breakdown Of The Post: Title, Trailer/Opening, Favorite Love Interest, Least Favorite and why

10. Hakuoki: Demon Of The Fleeting Blossom

This trailer is the Stories Of The Shinsengumi featured above, which has bonus content on PS3 compared to the PSP original. Hakuoki is the English OG released by Aksys over a decade ago with many sequels and re-releases. Here’s to hoping Kyoto Winds gets an English Switch port So I can love Shinpachi.

My favorite L.I. is Souji Okita. His CGs are beautiful. I love his VA. Even one of the bad ending CGs was beautiful. Of course, whenever you see Soji Okita in an otome *Spoiler Warning* it may have a tinge of tragedy.

My least favorite is L.I. Kazama. His CGs are pretty, but In the original game, Kazama having a route when Shinpachi didn’t have one made any sense to me. In terms of his personality, he spends a large chunk of his route being a jerk.

9. Amnesia Memories

Amnesia Memories is one of those Otomes where the female MC you play as has almost no personality or willpower, but unlike other otomes with this problem, there’s an excuse for that. She has amnesia.

Favorite L.I. Shin and Kent. Both boys seem to genuinely love/care about the MC as the route progresses, and they don’t treat her like a crazy person for having amnesia. They want to help her. *Spoiler Warning* I believe Kent may be considered a Kuudere, Mr. Cold & Stoic initially. Still, he definitely comes out of his shell to be one of the most romantic overall—Spoiler Warning* Especially after expressing wishes to marry the MC someday.

My least Favorite is Toma. Aesthetically; he is my one true love of this game, but I am just so upset about the *SPOILER WARNING* cage. No one wants their fave to be one of the Yanderes of the game. It is available on other platforms, but I played Amnesia on PC.

8. Dandelion: Wishes Brought To You

OMG This game is almost 10 years old?! When did that happen I remember counting down to its release. Unlike other games on this list, this is a Korean otome game. Released by Cheritz. Nowadays they are perhaps best known for the mobile otome game Mystic Messenger. (I confess I haven’t finished that one)

Favorite L.I. Jisoo I love his character design and his reason for entering “the game.” I also like that he is protective of the MC whether she chooses him or not.

Least Favorite: Jiyeon, the other cat character of the game, is scarier and sneakier than he looks.

7. Nightshade

I purchased and played this game on Switch because one fine day on the otome subreddit I saw Hanzo and fell in love immediately. Also, props to the game for having an MC who is sometimes pretty awesome and not a blank slate Mary-Sue type.

Favorite L.I. Hanzo because he is not only man pretty but also dedicated and devoted as a ninja and a love interest. Gakkamaru can be overprotective to the point of being pushy in other routes, but in his own route, it makes sense. Gekka goes through a lot and needs more love.

Least Favorite: None this game is just that good. I only regret that the blonde best friend is not a romance option. WHY make him so good-looking?

6. Bustafellows

I think most English-speaking otome fans would agree that we’ve had an unexpectedly good number of otome releases between mid-2020 and now, with Bustafellows being a Summer smash hit. The MC has a job. She’s a reporter and not a high schooler or college student. She has her own personality and friendships and interests outside of her love interests. This makes her an A+ MC in my book.

Favorite L.I. Unexpectedly Shu. Once he realizes he loves the MC,, he steps up to the plate. I especially love his side B. He even gives up smoking because it others the MC. MY WHOLE HEART. I hear there is a sequel in the works. Limbo is voiced by one of my otome faves, Kenn.

Least Favorite: Helvetica. Although his backstory in the main route is very interesting, I found his side B lackluster. I wanted him to be more devoted by then; in my opinion, he wasn’t. Granted I haven’t finished Mozu’s route but I love Mozu so Helvetica and his ratings will probably stay right where they are for me.

5. Olympia Soirée

This game is sooo aesthetically pleasing to me. The lore is also fascinating, although it can be a bit complicated as you go through the common route and your first route. Things do get a bit steamy in this game, so I would recommend it for payers 16+

Favorite L.I. Akaza and Kuroba. I love how Akaza declares his intentions to get Olympia to fall for him from the jump. I love Kuroba, too, because although I usually avoid the flirty ones. He is charming and becomes very Olympia by the end of his route. *Spoiler Warning* Beware of Nagusa that jerk of the Jade in all routes but especially Kuroba’s Nagusa and the leader of the Orange’s behavior in other routes might be triggering for some players.

4. Piofiore: Fated Memories

Another straight stunner in the visuals category for me. This one has a unique setting that hooked me right away. fictional 1920s Italy. All of the love interests are heavy hitters in the mafia and the protagonist plays a part in the town’s fate. I like that the protagonist is a great baker to give her some personality. The bad endings in this game border on horrific so I definitely recommend this for 16+ because some of them may be considered triggering. Maybe even 18+. Through suspension of disbelief, let’s just go along with the whole everyone in 1920’s Italy is speaking Japanese thing.

Favorite L.I. Nicola, this is probably a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I fell for Nicola from the moment of his first CG. I will admit he is a bit sly in most routes including much of his own. His good ending was worth it to me. If I had to pick a second fave, it would be Gilbert, the swag, the confidence, the eye-patch, lol. Surprisingly, Gilbert was the route that had to be unlocked. I would have expected it to be Dante. At times, it is difficult to take Gilbert seriously because he is voiced by the same person as Impey in Code Realize. (Shōtaro Morikubo) Who also voices Souji in Hakuoki.

Least Favorite: Yang In terms of character design, he’s a straight stunner. To put it mildly, he’s crazy. Don’t want to get too spoilery, but his bad endings may be triggering, or perhaps his route in general. I adore his Seiyuu Nobuhiko Okamoto. Other than Mamoru Miyano I probably would marry him based on voice alone.

3. Cafe Enchante

This one was a sleeper hit favorite for me. It was released a few days before my birthday in November 2020, and a family member noticed the game and bought it for me. I had no idea what to expect, and everything from the aesthetic to the depth of the story was a wonderful surprise. Kotone, the protagonist, inherits her grandfather’s cafe, where the regulars are all extraordinary beings/mythical creatures from other worlds. The common route is a bit long, which I enjoyed because it allowed me to love all the characters a little before their routes. Some players, perhaps especially those more accustomed to mobile games, may find the length of the common route daunting, but please don’t give up on this gem.

Favorite L.I. Ignis and Misyr. No, I cannot choose between them. The love is real for both. Ignis’s route starts off as pure fun. I love that hamburger-loving boy. Like most routes in this game, it gets intense in some spots. (At one point, I thought I got a bad ending; that’s how intense things got.) I really hope that this game gets a sequel or fan disk because there is no after-story content. Misyr is the canon route, so you must play all other routes before unlocking this booski. His backstory is arguably the best, and *Spoiler Warning* OMG, that ending was so unexpected. Shout out to Il for being a super otome fan. I’m a bit jealous of your merch. And to Canus for having the most *Spoiler Warning* befittingly fairy-tale-like ending. I only wish we saw your face.

Least Favorite L.I. Rindo. Although plot-wise, it was interesting, I couldn’t take him seriously as a love interest. Although technically, there are unknown age gaps with other characters given the fantasy setting, the age gap with his route is obvious because he is human. His route resulted in more sympathy than romantic love for me.

2. Code Realize: Guardian Of Rebirth/Future Blessings

In terms of setting this is the Otome to beat in my heart of hearts. Steam Punk? Yes, please. Victorian London? Yes, please. All L.I. based on literary characters? You had me at hello darling. It also wins for the prettiest protagonist in my book. I want to Cosplay as Cardia someday. I originally played on PS4 but there is a Switch version available now.

Favorite L.I. Lupin and Van Helsing. The game’s obvious canon L.I. stole my heart right from the intro. I was so mad that he had to be unlocked. I loved every moment of his route. Even his bad ending was beautiful to me. Van Helsing is my other boo in this game. I didn’t expect to love him, but he really deserves it, and his voice is perfection. Van Helsing gets even better in Future Blessings.

Least Favorite L.I. Saint Germain, I feel like his route was important to the plot, but I didn’t feel the romance at all. Like the other characters, he is pretty to look at. I hate Sholmes as much as Lupin does.

1. Collar X Malice

Just when I thought no otome would ever top Code Realize, along comes Collar X Malice. Among its love interests are a chain-smoker, a hacker, and a hopeless romantic. In this game, the protagonist is a rookie police officer. The town is in quarantine (eerie, given the circumstances of 2020 and 2021) due to terrorist attacks. The protagonist, after being collared by an unknown assailant, joins a group of elite former officers to solve the crimes. Due to the violence of some of the crimes and a few of the bad endings, I would recommend it for 16+

Favorite L.I. Hard choice but definitely Yanagi and Takeru. Most of my otome merch is dedicated to them. Yanagi is so dedicated to discovering the truth. He also just looks so good in his CGs. I’m a sucker for the canon L.I. fairly often, and Yanagi is further proof of that. *Spoiler Warning* He and the MC have a past connection and I always love that trope when done right. Takeru, I love that donut-eating Tsundere. I feel like he becomes such a dedicated softy as his route progresses. Although he does refer to the MC as “Stupid Cat” early on in his route and all other routes as well. Shout out to my third boo Enomoto for being the energetic hopeless romantic. Also, extra points for the eye-patch bae.

Least Favorite L.I. Shiraishi by a landslide. In short, I remained a member of the Shiraishi bashing club his entire route. I only suffered through his route to unlock my boo, Yanagi.

With what Aksys has already announced for 2022, I know this list of faves will happily grow in the future. I am also really hyped about Cupid Parasite next week. It’s a wonderful way to start off my birthday month. I am currently playing Tokimemo 4 in Japanese, which was released earlier this week. (My Japanese skills are about N3 level.)

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