A Sign Of Affection, Vol. 3 Review

I’ve been meaning to review volume 3 of A Sign Of Affection for nearly a year now. Between reviewing other series trying to stay on top of new releases and life,, the review kept going to the back burner unintentionally. I am thrilled that in that time,, the series has begun releasing in print. It was previously a digital-only release. The collector in me is so pleased to have the volumes on my actual bookshelf now.

The previous volume ended with Itsuomi surprising Yuki with a gentlemanly kiss on the hand. Yuki, being pleasantly surprised, swoons in response. She is a bit embarrassed to have been caught literally swooning and has a bit of trouble looking Itsuomi in the face after the cute exchange.

Yuki is momentarily saddened to learn that Itsomi will travel for about a month during their Spring break. Fortunately, Itsuomi puts her at ease by asking her to send him sign language videos to continue learning while he is away. This makes Yuki feel they will still be connected. I have a lot of respect for Itsuomi’s dedication to Yuki in the sense that he wants to be able to communicate with her via sign language. It hurt my heart to find out that her mother and others in her household don’t utilize or understand sign language. It makes me feel like she may not always get the support she deserves from her loved ones. Although I do get the impression that her mother loves her and worries about her as any mother should.

Yuki runs into her friend Rin after saying goodbye to Itsuomi as he goes off to work and decides to stay at Rin’s house. Meanwhile, Yuki’s mom runs into Oushi-kun, Yuki’s childhood friend and college classmate who uses sign language. (I’m sure he’s secretly in love with Yuki) Yuki’s mom thanked him for always looking out for Yuki, and he asked her for Yuki’s number.

At work, Itsuomi’s friend and co-worker, Kyouya, expresses some concern for Yuki because he knows Itsuomi previously said he didn’t want a girlfriend for the moment because of how much he travels. Itsuomi tries to put his friend at ease by explaining that he has grown to care about Yuki in a way that he did not expect. Kyouya realizes that what may have started for Itsuomi as curiosity regarding Yuki’s naivete and purity has the possibility to grow into love.

Chapter 10

I’m so proud of my boy Itsuomi! He decided to shoot his shot and officially ask Yuki out! There was a slight miscommunication at first because, in his excitement, Yuki couldn’t fully read his lips or understand his usage of sign language. He quickly clarifies his amorous intentions, sending Yuki over the moon.

Back at the restaurant where Itsuomi works, Kyouya and Rin are surprised by the sudden development, but both are happy for Yuki and Itsuomi. Itsuomi decides to escort Yuki back to Rin’s place as Rin hangs back to spend some time with Kyouya, who she is crushing on. After the walk to Rin’s place, the two hug goodbye as this will be the last time they see each other before his trip. Now that they are a couple, Yuki feels that their worlds have finally crossed.

Chapter 11

Oushi-Kun who will probably have his heartbroken

Yuki and Rin have a little girl chat about Yuki’s newly minted relationship with Itsuomi. Yuki is shy and happy to think of Itsuomi as her boyfriend. Itsuomi and Kyouya also chat about Itsuomi’s new relationship, Kyouya asks Itsuomi why didn’t he wait to return from his month long trip before asking Yuki out? Itsuomi replies that he didn’t want to regret not asking her sooner. He cares about Yuki so much that he can’t imagine breaking up with her. This sentiment makes Kyouya smile as he realizes how much his friend is falling for Yuki.

A few days after Itsuomi leaves for his trip Oushi contacts Yuki to tell her his sister is visiting. Yuki was friends with his sister Mio as a child. Yuki is slightly disappointed to learn that Mio has forgotten the use of sign language over the years. Oushi’s sister says she is impressed that he has continued his sign language studies, but he seems too embarrassed to sign or translate what she said to Yuki. I guess sis doesn’t realize who her brother is in love with. After looking closely at Yuki Mio, she declares that she must be in love because she has gotten cuter. Yuki is taken aback by Mio’s assessment but is happy when Mio says she will give her advice anytime.

Yuki is surprised and impressed to learn that Oushi wishes to become a sign language interpreter. Oushi is happy for the praise but purposely covers his face so that Yuki won’t know it. Oushi starts to ask a bunch of jealousy-filled questions about Itsuomi that confuse the innocent Yuki.

Yuki and Itsuomi have a happy text exchange regarding his adventures on his trip. Itsuomi reminds Yuki to send him some sign language videos, which makes Yuki very happy.

Chapter 12

Before you know it, a month has passed, and Itsuomi does his best to keep in touch while he travels. Yuki is in awe of him. She decides that if she ever wants to join him, she’ll have to get a job to save up for a passport. Just as she begins her job hunt, she gets a text from Itsuomi saying he is back in town. Yuki is overjoyed when he immediately asks to meet up with her. (I guess love trumps jet lag.)

In quite possibly the most adorable mix-up ever, while still across the street from each other, Itsuomi asks Yuki Can I kiss you? Yuki misreads his lips and thinks he is asking for a hug. This results in their first kiss being quite a surprise for dear Yuki. The two go on their first casual date as they grab some Soba together. Yuki is happy to realize that Itsuomi has watched the sign language videos she sent him, as he now knows how to fingerspell.

Itsuomi asks Yuki’s permission to introduce her to one of his best friends named Shin whom she had previously met in passing. Yuki agrees to meet him but is nervous about meeting someone as Itsuomi’s girlfriend. Itsuomi offers to hold Yuki’s hand to reassure her since she is feeling nervous. Since Yuki knows he means well, she doesn’t have the heart to tell him that holding hands can be somewhat inconvenient. This is because she can’t sign that way. the volume ends when Shin answers the door, and Itsuomi introduces Yuki as his girlfriend.

Overall Rating: 10/10 for the overall cuteness. I am happy for Yuki now that her feelings are known and that Itsuomi is falling for her hard and fast, too. I hope Itsuomi grows to see Yuki as a full and complete person. What I mean by that is it worried me a bit when he said that the fact that Yuki has never heard an ugly word fascinates him. He also said that he wants to have a positive influence on her. Speaking as a disabled person myself (Cerebral Palsy) I hope as he gets to know her that he realizes that despite not “hearing” ugly words I’m sure that Yuki has dealt with hardships just like anyone else. I have high hopes that he’ll learn that as the series progresses.

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