Yamaguchi Kun Isn’t So Bad, Vol. 2 Review

Going through my “To Be Reviewed” backlog, I realized I still needed to review Yamaguchi-Kun volume 2, and since this series is so cute and gives me major Honey So Sweet vibes, here it is.

Chapter 5

Yamaguchi expresses jealousy over seeing Satsuki alone with Ishizaki-kun and not realizing that Satsuki was trying to help Ishizaki become friends with Yamaguchi-kun. Despite the slight outburst, Yamaguchi-kun seems to get over it pretty quickly and is surprised by his own reaction. How quickly Yamaguchi recovers leaves poor Satsuki slightly confused and feeling awkward.

They watch a small parade go by in peaceful silence. Soon afterward, some curious classmates ask Satsuki where she had gone with Yamaguchi-kun. Before they can satisfy their curiosity, Ishizaki comes to Satsuki’s rescue to change the subject.

Yamaguchi-kun temporarily goes missing,, but as it turns out,, he was shopping for a souvenir for his 8-year-old sister. She requested bunny-themed items. At first, he finds himself at a loss for what to get her because he doesn’t look good in the bunny hat,, and according to him,, his sister looks just like him.

Satsuki tries to reassure him that although it may not look good on him, it is cute,, and she is sure his little sister will love it. This thought prompts him to try the hat on Satsuki. Since Satsuki looks adorable,, he declares that she is right and the hat is cute.

This interaction between Yamaguchi-kun and Satsuki leads Ishizaki-kun to take this super cute picture of the two and send it to Satsuki.

This picture makes Ishizaki the MVP of the chapter. He also sends Satsuki a picture of Yamaguchi-kun from the school entrance ceremony and several other photos. I’m pretty sure Ishizaki is about to start a Yamaguchi-kun fan club at this point. Right before he sends Satsuki something potentially embarrassing,, Yamaguchi-kun appears and deletes all of the random photos.

At Yamaguchi-kun’s request, Satsuki deletes the photos she got from Ishizaki. She pleads with Yamaguchi-kun to take a picture with her since she had to delete all the photos. He agrees to take a new picture, and although it is not as cute as the hat picture, Satsuki is just happy to have Yamaguchi-kun all to herself. Crush mode is activated!

Chapter 6

As I suspected, Satsuki did not delete the hat photo, although she deleted the others. Satsuki is surprised to learn from Ishizaki that Yamaguchi-kun has a cold and the two go to visit him after school.

Even though Ishizaki is third-wheeling during the all-important “curing the sick love interest trope,” it is still very entertaining. While visiting his home, Satsuki is pleasantly surprised to see a different side of Yamaguchi-kun. Including his home-from-school aesthetic.

While Yamaguchi-kun is taking a shower, Satsuki snoops around his room and finds an adorable picture of a young Yamaguchi-kun in a baseball uniform.

Yamaguchi-kun comes up behind Satsuki to explain that he was a first grader at the time of the photo. Satsuki is surprised that he has finished up so quickly. She is even more surprised to see him shirtless.

It takes the flustered Satsuki a while to recover. Yamaguchi-kun wasn’t trying to get Satsuki’s heart pumping the poor boy merely forgot his shirt. Hey, it happens, right? When Ishizaki comes and says he’ll make a meal for Yamaguchi-kun, Satsuki, and Yamaguchi-kun are left alone in his room. Ishizaki sends Satsuki a hilarious message tasking her with taking a pic of Yamaguchi-kun in his pj’s better if he is shirtless. When Satsuki tells Yamaguchi-kun that she has received a LINE message from Ishizaki (Not revealing the contents of the message, of course.), it seems that Yamaguchi-kun jealously misunderstands and asks for Satsuki’s contact info. He admits that he doesn’t like to think of the fact that other guys have her contact info when he doesn’t.

When they exchange contact info, Satsuki finally learns that Yamaguchi-kun’s first name is Asuka and accidentally says it out loud. This makes her super shy because she is unaccustomed to calling boys by their first names. Yamaguchi-kun explains that everyone in his hometown refers to him by his first name, so he’s quite used to it.

Asuka asks for permission to call Satsuki by her first name because he had only referred to her as such on one other occasion.

Oh, snap, big deal alert! Satsuki almost lets her shyness get the best of her, and she doesn’t answer right away before Ishizaki declares the food is done. Fortunately, she musters up her courage and gives Yamaguchi-kun permission. This seems to make him very happy. Here’s to hoping Satsuki will start calling him Asuka soon!

Chapter 7

Satsuki was so nervous about giving Asuka permission to call her by her first name that she was unable to sleep that night. The following day, Yamaguchi-kun wears a black face mask to school, which gives his classmates Yakuza vibes, but it was simply a gift from his fan-boy Ishizaki. In front of classmates, Satsuki is disappointed to realize that Yamaguchi-kun calls her by her last name as usual.

Satsuki was suffering from a classic case of overthinking. Yamaguchi-kun, being the ever thoughtful, sweet bean that he is, puts together a math study guide for Satsuki as a thank you for visiting him. When they are alone he says that he only called her by her last name out of consideration for the fact that they were in class. The two happily agree that when they are alone, Yamaguchi-kun will call Satsuki by her first name. Culturally, manga readers know this is a big deal because it implies closeness.

Satsuki and her friends make plans for the upcoming Summer vacation. (The usual fireworks=yukata situation) On the way to the canteen to get snacks, she runs into Yamaguchi-kun. She is slightly disappointed to learn that he will spend his vacation in his hometown. This means that they are unlikely to see each other. The halls are crowded, and Satsuki gives up on getting to the canteen. Not realizing that Satsuki is sad because she may not see him, Yamaguchi-kun braves the crowd to get her chocolate bread.

His kindness is admirable. Satsuki decides to be brave and asks Yamaguchi-kun if they can hang out with everyone together over the Summer. Yamaguchi-kun counters by inviting her to his hometown because my dude is making moves. I sense a confession coming soon! Go ahead, Asuka.

Chapter 8

Satsuki and her friends, including Ishizaki, the fanboy, go with Yamaguchi-kun to his hometown. The group will be staying with Yamaguchi-kun’s adorable grandpa. His grandmother is presently surprised to realize that Yamaguchi-kun’s friends include a group of girls. It was laugh-out-loud funny when Grandpa scared Ishizaki by pretending his chocolate was a terrible gift because he is actually a Japanese sweets chef. Although it is true that he previously thought of chocolate as his enemy, he tells Asuka that he now likes chocolate mochi, so it’s okay.

Grandma convinces the Satsuki and the other girls to wear Yukata for the festival today. Confession among the fireworks, perhaps?

Points to Grandma Yamaguchi for helping this scene happen. These two are adorable. At the festival, Ishizaki was prepped for some third wheeling, but fortunately, Satsuki’s girlfriends tear him away from Satsuki and Yamaguchi-kun. The potential couple decide to play the festival fishing game, and Satsuki is happy to be called by name now that the two are alone.

Yamaguchi-kun can’t help but let Satsuki know that he thinks she looks cute. When Satsuki mentions returning to their group of friends, Yamaguchi-kun suggests they spend some time alone. This is when the volume ends, so we can expect the conclusion of the festival in the next volume.

Overall impressions? 10/10 This volume really brought the cute. Volume 2 tackled common situation tropes. The protagonist (typically the male lead(has a cold and the Summer festival. As someone who has been reading shoujo for so long, I prefer it when these cute but somewhat obligatory tropes are taken care of early on in a series. I’m looking forward to volume 3 to see if Satsuki will ask permission to call him Asuka when they’re alone. I also want to see Yamaguchi-kun lay cards on the table and tell Satsuki how he’s feeling.

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