A Sign Of Affection, Vol. 4 Review

ASign Of Affection volume 4 was the second most requested manga review when I ran a poll on the shoujo Reddit a few weeks ago, so here we are.

Chapter 13

As a reminder, volume 3 ended on a cliffhanger with Itsuomi-san wanting to introduce Yuki to his best friend, Shin. Yuki is initially nervous, but Itsuomi’s friend invites them in properly. He initially seems surprised by Yuki’s deafness, but he isn’t rude. Shin simply asks how they communicate. When Itsuomi-san explains that they use sign language and Yuki is also a lip reader, he seems quietly impressed and observes them together.

Shin makes Yuki feel shy when he puts her on the spot and asks her if she likes Itsuomi. Shin is pleasantly surprised to see Itsuomi use sign language to further explain Shin’s question to her.

Yuki gives her answer directly to Itsuomi via sign language. Shin can tell by their cute interaction what it is despite not knowing sign language. I love these types of moments between Yuki and Isuomi-san because a lot is said without words and sometimes even without sign language.

Being a good friend, Shin offers to break the news to Emma, the girl who has been jonesing for Itsuomi since they were in high school. Shin tells Itsuomi that it will be too much of a shock for her to hear it directly from Itsuomi. Yuki tries to give the two friends privacy by not reading their lips.

It is heavily implied that shin carries a torch for Emma. Shin tells Yuki to take good care of Itsuomi and wishes them luck, although they may face challenges together. Yuki is relieved by his kindness.

Itsuomi suddenly seems determined to introduce Yuki to everyone and their mother as he has an impromptu video call with his best friend in Germany. He is excited to introduce Yuki, although he has to translate for her as this friend speaks German. He teases Itsuomi by asking if he will stay in Japan forever since Yuki is in Japan.

Itsuomi makes Yuki feel shy when he mentions that she misread his lips when he asked for a kiss, thinking he meant to ask for a hug.

Itsuomi decides they need a physical signal in the future so that Yuki will know he wants to kiss her. His chosen “signal gets our little cinnamon roll Yuki all blushy. (Understandable, I’d be blushing too, girl.)

Itsuomi jokingly tells her that she can just punch him when she wants to kiss. (The boy certainly knows how to catch her off guard.) The following day, Shin calls Kyouya to tell him that he has been introduced to Yuki and that he is surprised that Itsuomi can look at someone the way he looks at Yuki. Kyouya encourages Shin to shoot his shot with Emma.

Itsuomi, being the kind and supportive boyfriend he is, decides to invite Yuki’s friend Rin and his friend Kyouya on a day trip. Along with himself and Yuki to what he calls a sign language training camp. (He should invite Yuki’s family too. It hurts my soul that her mother nor anyone else in the household has bothered to learn it for Yuki’s sake.)

Chapter 14

Yuki, Itsuomi, and their respective friends are off on a day trip to the mountains for what Itsuomi has deemed a “sign language training trip.” Itsuomi- -san, I’m here for it, babe. Remind them how important inclusion and understanding are go ahead.

Yuki and Rin-chan decide to do a little shopping before the trip to coordinate their outfits. While chatting, Yuki gets a message from a friend who says they may have a job at a cafe lined up for her. Meanwhile, Rin-chan tells Yuki about a guy from her part-time job who is being a little too insistent about wanting to take her out. Rin has her eyes set on Kyouya, so she doesn’t want to give the creeper the time of day.

Yuki promises Rin she’ll be her wing-woman to get her some alone time with Kyouya as Itsuomi and Kyouya drive them to the mountains. Rin-chan thinks up a cute little car game similar to the name game where everyone can write down a wish. Yuki’s wish is to buy a cute pair of shoes. Since he is driving, Itsuomi-san voices his wish, which he says is to go on a trip with Yuki, presumably on a plane since he mentions soaring across the ocean.

Kyouya and Rin-chan are surprised by Itsuomi-san’s straightforward, earnest wish, but Rin-chan is immediately supportive. It makes Yuki shy and pensive, hoping she will get the cafe job so she can save up.

Itsoumi-san finally explains what the purpose of the trip is. Everyone can point out objects and places, asking Yuki how to sign them so they can all learn. All while enjoying the great outdoors. Props for your creativity, Itsuomi-san. Everyone is really enjoying themselves, and Kyouya whips up a delicious meal. Itsuomi wants everyone to take the lesson seriously, so he says there will be a pop quiz later. In a lovey-dovey moment, Itsuomi surprises Yuki by feeding her.

Rin-chan and Kyouya decide to let Yuki and Itsuomi have some alone time and go for a walk. Rin-chan gets an unexpected call from the persistent guy she mentioned. She admits she has a crush on someone so he will stop pursuing her. Kyouya overhears, and the poor, dense dodo asks her who her crush is.

Meanwhile, back at base camp, Itsuomi-san has a princely moment to shine as he makes sure Yuki doesn’t fall into the cold river.

They are both so smitten with each other that it gives me cavities. (In the best way.) Itsuomi-san, being ever observant of Yuki, notices how she has been anxiously checking her phone throughout the trip. He asks her about it, and she tells him how much she wishes to find a job and how a friend is helping her. The two tease each other about how much they look forward to a future trip together.

After puppy dog eyes and an affectionate hug, Itsuomi asks if Yuki can stay longer. (Boy, just what are you asking?! Don’t go giving me a sweet heart attack in volume four.)

Chapter 15

This hasn’t suddenly become a steamy manga (not to fear, (or perhaps sadly?). Itsuomi keeps it PG with a chaste kiss on the cheek, and Rin-chan and Kyouya arrive to ruin the mood. Apparently, Rin-chan and Kyouya were goofing around, and Rin-chan had potentially broken her foot.

Before Rin-chan’s injury, she successfully confessed her feelings for Kyouya. Although he had previously mentioned that dating might be more trouble than it’s worth, it would be no hassle at all with her. So It now seems another happy couple is forming.

After Rin-chan and Kyouya leave, Itsuomi and Yuki continue to spend time together while going to dinner. Yuki is happy that Itsuomi-san continues to ask questions about sign language.

Itsuomi-san takes Yuki back to his place, but ever the gentleman, he reassures her that although she’ll be staying, they are only spending time together. No need to be nervous for our dear Yuki.

Someone comes to Oushi, Yuki’s neighbor and childhood friend, to tell him she spotted Yuki with a guy who seems to be her boyfriend. Oushi pretends to act unfazed until she mentions he was using sign language. He then confirms it is Itsuomi-san and doesn’t seem to take it well. The friend advises him to be more honest with his feelings. I’m pretty sure my shoujo sixth sense from early on in the series is correct, and Oushi loves Yuki. He rushes to call Yuki, but she has left her phone in another room, and Itsuomi-san notices who it is.

Chapter 16

When Yuki sees the missed call from Oushi, she worries a bit, and Itsuomi tells her if anything is wrong, she can always tell him. After showering, Yuki frets a bit that Itsuomi-san will see her without make-up. (So cute.) He takes the sofa in his room while offering her the bed.

Itsuomi-san and Yuki settle in to watch a movie when she gets a call from Madoka, the friend who is helping her land a job. Madoka tells Yuki that she has the job, and her aunt runs the cafe, so she knows a bit of sign language. Yuki introduces Itsuomi-san briefly during the call.

Yuki fills Itsuomi in on Madoka’s condition. She explained that Madoka became deaf later in her life, so she speaks verbally and via sign language.

Yuki marvels at her luck when Itsuomi suddenly lovingly kisses her hand.

He reassures her again that there is no need to be nervous. They will take their time as a couple because Yuki is precious to him.

The next day, Oushi-kun and Itsuomi run into each other, and Oushi tries to get confrontational. Itsuomi-san ignores his hostility, suddenly asking if Oushi is free third period. We don’t know for what purpose as that is where the volume ends when Oushi begrudgingly goes with Itsuomi-san.

Impressions? OMG, 10/10 volume! My favorite thus far. I think what I appreciated most about this volume was the pacing. It was heavy on the character development and the romance. I think it’s becoming more evident that Itsuomi is genuinely falling hard for Yuki and isn’t just fascinated by her. I’ll admit, I was worried by his clear container; she’s never heard a harsh word comment early on in the series. I was afraid that he might just be fascinated by her condition. My fears are gone now. That boy loves him some Yuki. To the point where he needs to become part of the new standard of shoujo men/boys. The whole ML spends 80% of the time being a jerk to everyone, including the FL is old and tired. We need more straightforward, sweetheart leads.

I’m so excited for volume 5 now!

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