Ima Koi: Now I’m In Love, Vol. 1 Review

Fortunately, I got a review copy of this highly talked about new series. Note: Since it is a net galley review, copy the words “Sample PDF Viz Media” appears every few panels. I will probably replace the images featured in this review when I buy the manga later due to this. Onward to the review.!

*Note* this review is actually 3 weeks in the making. I got a new job in children’s publishing last month, which I adore. So, I put the blog on the back burner for a while.

Chapter 1

Similar to the opening chapter of Yamaguchi-Kun Isn’t So Bad Vol 1, Satomi is saved from a handsy perv on the train by schoolmate Yagyu.


Yagyu is just a chivalrous, chill guy, so he doesn’t even stick around long enough for Satomi to say thanks. Fortunately, Satomi recognizes his uniform as her school uniform and is determined to find him. At first, she believes him to be older than him due to his height. She is surprised to realize they are both high school first years. Yagyu, as Satomi discovers he is called, tells her not to stress his kind favor. He believes it is what anyone would do.

Later that same day, the two run into each other again. Yagyu sees Satomi try to offer her umbrella to a group of girls while it is pouring. Yagyu offers his umbrella instead and goes off into the rain. Satomi musters her courage to say thanks yet again. Satomi decides that she is interested in this kind and somewhat mysterious boy. We get some backstory about Satomi’s first brush with love or lack thereof. When she was in middle school, she never confessed to the boy she liked, and she regrets it. Because of that, she made a promise to herself that the next time she liked someone, she was going all in.

Satomi decides that she wants to get to know Yagyu better, but she is unsure how to go about it. The shoujo gods have gifted her a prize in a raffle for a fancy dinner. She decides to invite Yagyu.

Satomi does an excellent job of being brave enough to ask Yagyu, but he insists she invite a friend or a family member instead. Satomi is so embarrassed that she exits the train in a rush. Yagyu notices that something is wrong and follows after her. Satomi doesn’t want to admit her feelings, so Yagyu begins to leave, but Satomi suddenly feels it may be her last chance and leaps after him. She jumps from the landing to the platform, and he breaks her fall.

After her epic stunt, Satomi honestly tells Yagyu she wants to get to know him, so she invites him to dinner. Yagyu is both surprised and amused, saying that Satomi is more reckless and interesting than he thought.

Chapter 2

The two exchange contact info, and *shock* Yagyu asks Satomi if what she said about wanting to get to know him means she likes him. In my over 15 years of shoujo reading, never have I ever seen a male protagonist be this straightforward without being a jerk. Points to you, Yagyu. Satomi is nervous, so all Yagyu says is I look forward to seeing what happens next.

Satomi tries to ask him what he means by he’s looking forward to what happens next, but she loses her nerve in front of his friend. On the plus side, the two agree to walk home together after school. Satomi rushes to meet Yagyu so they can walk home together, and Yagyu is considerate enough to buy her a drink and say next time, there’s no need to rush. This small kindness practically leaves Satomi swooning.

After stopping at a cafe, Satomi finally asks Yagyu if it is safe to assume we’re dating? And Yagyu being the straightforward and honest guy that he is, tells Satomi I thought we were.

Yagyu’s honesty surprises Satomi (and it amazes me too) because he is honest enough to say he hasn’t fallen for her, but because of her interest in him, he owes it to her to put in a sincere effort to get to know her and date her. I love how level-headed and realistic Yagyu’s thinking is.

After declaring his sincere intentions, Yagyu officially asks Satomi out, and she happily accepts. Satomi asks him questions in earnest, like, ” Is it okay to message you often? Should we eat together at school? Etc. She admits to Yagyu that since this is her first time dating someone, she is unsure what the “rules” are. Yagyu explains there are no rules. He hopes they can honestly express what’s on their minds, and Satomi agrees.

They begin to part ways when Satomi realizes that although she said yes to going out with him, she didn’t actually tell Yagyu she liked him. Satomi rushes back just to tell him.

Yagyu finds Satomi’s declaration so adorable, and the two share their first kiss. First kiss by chapter two? Yay for great pacing!

Chapter 3

A few days later, Satomi is still happily reeling from their first kiss when the subject of midterms comes up. The two agree to study together, and Yagyu’s friend Tenma decides to tag along. To help make things less awkward, Satomi invites her friend Nimo along.

*Note* Although I am referring to the protagonist Satomi by her first name for the sake of this review, she and Yagyu are still referring to each other by their last names. Yagyu’s first name is Kazuma.

Despite Satomi’s attempt at innocent small talk, it seems that Yagyu’s friend Tenma has a bad impression of her, even going so far as to call her a calculating shrew. (Relax, dude)

When everyone arrives at Satomi’s house, her older brother’s hilarious inner monologue first impressions of Yagyu and Tenma are a tall delinquent (Yagyu) and a playboy with a dye job. (Tenma) Satomi admires Yagyu while he is in study mode and ignoring annoying quips from Tenma.

While overhearing Satomi and her friend Nimo talk about how happy Satomi is to have found Yagyu, Tenma can’t leave well enough alone and feels the need to point out what Yagyu did (saving Satomi from a perv) he would have done for anyone.

Thankfully, Satomi defends herself against Tenma’s slightly cynical teasing by saying that although their meeting may not be fate, she wants to be with Yagyu. She was unaware that Yagyu was within earshot during this confession of sorts. While the couple is off getting snacks, Nimo takes the opportunity to put Tenma in his place. Telling him not to underestimate her tenacious friend.

In a small yet happy turn of events, Yagyu admits that he overheard Satomi’s feelings regarding their being together. She feels shy at first but then Yagyu tells her that although it may be true that he would have helped anyone in that situation, he is glad he helped Satomi of all people.

The two were prepped for a kiss, but Satomi’s brother barged in. But Yagyu is real smooth with it, and when Satomi’s brother turns his back, he gives her a quick smooch, with her brother none the wiser.

On their way home Tenma says he’ll take the wait and see approach when it comes to Satomi and probably won’t pick on her as much. When Tenma asks Yagyu if he really likes Satomi he is left rumiating about the question.

Chapter 4

Satomi and the gang have weathered the storm of exams and it’s Satomi’s birthday the following day. While chatting with Nimo Satomi admits that she was too shy to tell Yagyu since they only just started dating. Nimo and Satomi bicker about it until Nimo tells Yagu herself.

Yagyu, in an unexpectedly cute moment, sulks about Satomi not telling him for all of two minutes. He quickly recovers when they agree to spend the day together.

The pair goes to Shibuya, takes cute couple pictures, and goes shopping together. Yagyu buys Satomi an adorable bracelet he picked out for her. The two agree to see a movie, and Satomi is happy until she realizes that two men seated behind them are being rude, although Yagyu purposely slouches in an attempt to be considerate due to his height.

Yagyu tells her to ignore them and enjoy the movie, but Satomi decides to confront them to ask them to apologize to Yagyu for their rudeness. Instead of apologizing, one of the punks tries to get aggressive with her until Yagyu steps in. Naturally, the punks run away.

Yagyu thanks Satomi for being so willing to stick up for him, even when he’s not willing to do it himself. He finally convinces her to let it go so it doesn’t ruin her birthday.

Right before the two board the train for home, Yagyu finally makes his “I like you” confession. Yay! He also officially wishes Satomi a happy birthday.

First impressions: Nothing short of a 10/10. (Despite that now infamous first-page typo, lol) The realistic aspects are so refreshing! I grew up with a lot of old-school shoujo’s where it is not uncommon for the OTP to take 20 volumes to confess to each other officially. The perspective of I’m not in love with you, but I find you interesting and would like to get to know you is, realistically speaking, what dating is all about.

They have their shy moments but are honest with each other. I love it! and some smooches in the first volume!? What bliss!

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