About a week ago, I ran a poll over on the Shoujo Reddit asking which of 3 classic shoujo favorites I should review first here on the blog. Kamisama Kiss won by a landslide. I will eventually review Kitchen Princess and Kimi Ni Todoke, which were part of the poll as well.

Chapter 1

Nanami is a high schooler struggling to get by because her dad is a terrible gambler. As is often the case with gambling parents in manga, he skips town on her, causing her to be evicted.

Broke and with no place to go, Nanami happens upon a strange man who a dog is chasing. She helps him, and he explains it is his first time back in a long while. Nanami tells him she has no place to go. After hearing Nanami’s story, the strange man, Mikage, tells her that she can live in his home, which he has left unattended for some time. Mikage tells Nanami not to worry. She will be welcomed with open arms.

Mikage unexpectedly kisses Nanami on the forehead and draws a map for her to follow. Nanami decides to go since she has no better options. She soon finds herself outside of a decrepit old shrine. Nanami thinks she has been duped until the shrine starts talking, welcoming Mikage home. Suddenly, Nanami seems to come face to face with a Yokai. (Demon.)

This Yokai seems very angry at Mikage, who has abandoned the shrine for twenty years. Moments before potentially attacking her, the Yokai realizes that Nanami is not Mikage, and the other beings and Nanami are all confused about how she got there.

After Nanami explains what happened, Tomoe (the Yokai) believes her. In part because he recognized Mikage’s terrible handwriting on the map and because Mikage marked her as the new master of the shrine. A Tochigami, a goddess. As you can imagine, going from homeless to a goddess in one day is a lot to handle.

Tomoe is very upset about this new development and says he refuses to serve Nanami. Tomoe is a Shinshi, a divine servant. The other two shrine beings are kind and welcoming to Nanami. In response to Tomoe’s rudeness, Nanami tries to reject her new position.

The next morning, Nanami realizes that all the terrible things she went through were not a dream, and her two ghost-like helpers introduce themselves as Kotetsu and Onikiri. They explain what some of her simpler duties are. When Nanami tells them she hasn’t agreed to be a Tochigami, they worry and beg her to do her best to protect the shrine. They remind her that Tomoe left the shrine and she is the only one who can protect it.

Nanami does her best to handle the chores while Kotetsu and Onikiri fill her in about Tomoe. They tell her Tomoe used to be a wild Fox until Mikage brought him to the shrine because Mikage hates guard dogs. Suddenly, Tomoe appears to tease Nanami about how she is handling the chores.

Tomoe tries to tell Nanami to return home, but she tells him her backstory, and that quiets him for a moment before he disappears again. He does tell her not to touch anything in the shrine before disappearing, though.

Later that day, Nanami hears a woman praying that her future grandchild be born healthy. She realizes she heard someone’s prayer. The servants explain that one of her duties is to listen to the worshippers’ prayers. They hand her twenty years’ worth of prayers since that’s how long Mikage has been gone.

Nanami understands that the servants didn’t help her because Tomoe took care of the duties she handled. Nanami is impressed that despite being otherwise abandoned, the shrine is immaculate. Tomoe also took great care in writing down all the prayers, complete with beautiful handwriting.

All this makes Nanami feel she is not cut out to be a Kamisama and intends to leave the next day. Meanwhile, Tomoe seems to be a bar/hangout for supernatural beings when two creatures ask his permission to eat Nanami. He sarcastically plays it off as if it doesn’t matter, but he soon makes them regret asking the question. As she falls asleep, Nanami wonders if she can apologize to Tomoe. An unknown being watches as Tomoe leaves and thinks it is good news that a human has taken over the shrine,

Chapter 2

The chapter begins with Nanami’s strange dream about a young boy in a mask. When she wakes up, she prepares to leave the shrine.

Nanami decides that she wants to apologize to Tomoe in person, but the other spirits tell her he is in the space between worlds. The world of the Mononoke. They explain how to get there, and Nanami sets off, with Onikiri and Kotetsu at her side.

Poor Kotetsu and Onikiri are in an uproar when they find Tomoe surrounded by women and drinking. He tells them that he no longer cares about being a Shinshi and will do whatever he wants.

He is shocked to learn that Nanami has accompanied Kotetsu and Onikiri to the world of the Mononoke. After seeing how well Tomoe had taken care of the shrine in the past, Nanami was shocked and hurt by his attitude and stormed off.

When some unsavory spirits are clawing at Nanami for attention, Tomoe tells her to go home before she becomes food for them. Fed up with Tomoe’s attitude, Nanami slaps him.

Nanami admonishes Tomoe for abandoning his precious home so easily, and the two bicker back and forth before Nanami tries to leave. Unfortunately, she missed the bus, and it will be several hours until the next. Kotetsu and Onikiri tell her she must get Tomoe to be her Shinshi, and then he will be completely loyal. How can she get him to be loyal? It’s as simple as a kiss.

Too shocked by the idea of having to kiss him, Nanami walks and runs into a stranger who needs help. Meanwhile, Onikiri and Kotetsu realize she has disappeared, and Kotetsu rushes to Tomoe for help. Tomoe is aloof as usual, even though Kotetsu is worried. Tomoe says only if she were to beg him would he rescue Nanami.

The stranger Nanami helped was an elderly woman who insisted that Nanami stay the night. Nanami agrees but becomes a little wary when the woman touches her Kamisama mark, making her shiver.

Nanami was right to be wary. Just as she prepares for bed, Onikiri appears to save her. He tells her that the old woman is actually an Oni Baba, a demon hag who feasts on humans.

Chapter 3

Nanami is shocked to learn of the Oni Baba, but Onikiri explains that she is in a space where Mononoke roams somewhat freely, and they must leave as soon as possible. Onikiri explains that he brought something that could help them in a pinch, Ofuda. Special paper that a Tochigami can use and their written wish will be granted when affixed to someone or something.

Unfortunately, Nanami wastes one of the Ofuda trying to turn Onikiri into a fire demon. He then has to explain to her that the Ofuda can only achieve what is in her scope of power. She only has two Ofuda left. Nanami and Onikiri manage to escape the room before the Oni Baba bursts in. Nanami is left with only one Ofuda in the struggle to run away. Onikiri tells her to summon Tomoe. She hesitates, but the situation is dire.

Nanami’s plea for help reaches Tomoe, and he finds her and Onikiri desperately trying to climb a tree to escape the Oni Baba. Trying to humiliate her, Tomoe says he will only watch unless Nanami begs him to rescue her. Nanami refuses despite the circumstances she’s in.

Even as she’s falling and at risk of dying, Nanami and Tomoe are bickering back and forth about each other’s stubbornness.

Nanami seizes her chance to kiss Tomoe in what could possibly be her last moments.

It has always been one of my favorite scenes.

After Nanami’s slick surprise kiss, she declares, “Rescue Me!” and Tomoe has no choice but to do so, but he is far from happy about it. Kotetsu and Onikiri congratulate Nanami for her quick thinking and for getting Tomoe back.

For all his grumbling about having to be Nanami’s shinshi, Tomoe softens momentarily when she thanks him for saving her. The new team goes home to the shrine.

Chapter 4

Nanami wakes to find her room in the shrine has gotten a serious comfort upgrade. Kotetsu and Onikiri explain that it is now one of Tomoe’s duties to care for her as her shinshi. She soon encounters a very unhappy but obedient Tomoe.

After scolding her for a bit to make her feel his anger, Tomoe tells Nanami he will shape her into a Kami worthy of being his master.

Tomoe starts to put Nanami into a sort of “Kami training.” Tomoe tells Nanami that a Kami’s power comes from hearing and granting prayers. He also tells her that Mikage was a Kami dedicated to love and relationships. Tomoe tries to have Nanami turn water into sake, but it becomes delicious Spring water. This lack of ability means that she is all but powerless.

When Nanami sees how hard Tomoe and the others work for the sake of the shrine, she wants to do her best too. Tomoe soon finds her napping because her efforts have tired her. He had forgotten to tell her that the shirofuda that grants her commands takes power from her and will leave her feeling exhausted. Tomoe puts a blanket over her as she rests.

A messenger bird informs Nanami that Himemiko, a Catfish yokai of the swamp, will be paying her respects. Tomoe explains that the swamp was one of the areas that were under Mikage’s protection. He then tells Nanami not to meet their guest in person and stay put until she leaves.

Tomoe isn’t being intentionally harsh with Nanami. It’s just that Mikage worked hard to build a good relationship with Himeko. Tomoe fears his hard work will go to waste if Himemiko sees that the Kami is now a human girl.

Kotetsu and Onikiri say that the ruler of the swamp may give Tomoe a hard time. The pair were right because Himemiko’s servant was trash-talking Nanami left and right. They said she ran away from a Mononoke and was a mere human. Luckily, Tomoe is not having it. Tomoe tells the servant that although she may be human, Nanami does have strength. Tomoe believes in her.

Himemiko’s servant lets his temper get the better of him, and it looks like Tomoe may have to fight him until Nanami barges in.

Despite his usual grumbling, Tomoe is determined to protect Nanami from the disrespectful servant. He has no intention of holding back.

Chapter 5

Himemiko’s hot-headed servant tries to attack Tomoe from behind. Tomoe intends to grill him like the fish he is until Nanami orders him to stop and make up with the servant. which comically leads to Tomoe shaking hands with a fish. Himemiko speaks for the first time in this moment of obedience. She says that Nanami must be the new Kami if she is able to use the Kotodama binding spell on Tomoe.

Kotetsu explains to Nanami what a Kotodama spell is. It basically means Kami’s word is law for their shinshi, the more powerful the command, the more readily it must be obeyed. Himemiko apologizes for her servant’s behavior, saying that he is young. She also specifies that she has no intention to fight. She came to see Nanami for her blessing in matchmaking. Himemiko fell in love with a human as a child and wishes to see him again. Tomoe gives her a flat-out NO because Yokai and humans are forbidden from falling in love.

Despite what Tomoe says, Nanami promises to do her best for Himemiko. Nanami is grateful for Tomoe defending her and promises to work hard to be a Kami worthy of him.

Tomoe tells Nanami once again that they cannot grant Himemiko’s prayer, but Nanami is undeterred. She mentions going into town and Tomoe has a flashback of Mikage abandoning him and insists on going with Nanami. While Nanami is happily eating ice cream in town with Tomoe a classmate who had previously teased her calling her “Brokenami,” spots her. He starts saying all these terrible things about her situation and even calls her slutty when he sees Tomoe. (Kill him, Tomoe, go ahead. You have my permission.)

Tomoe starts to put the boy in his place but Nanami stops Tomoe before he can smite him. (Boo.) Tomoe and Nanami bicker about Nanami’s attachment to the human world. Tomoe reminds Nanami that they came to town to look for Kotaro, the human Himemiko is in love with. Turns out, Kotaro is a staff member of the ice cream shop.

Chapter 6

Nanami manages to convince Kotaro to talk to her. She tries to ask if he remembers Himemiko but no dice. Nanami realizes he is a very shy person. He holds a Rubik’s cube-type puzzle because it helps him relax.

Nanami explains that Himemiko is a friend of hers who has been in love with Kotaro for a while and he agrees to see her. Tomoe comes to pick her up in a special vehicle of Mikage’s that can only run at night. The two, along with Kotetsu and Onikiri, go back to the shrine. Nanami goes to see Himemiko to lend Himemiko her school uniform to help her pass as a human.

Tomoe also used a transformation spell on Himemiko to help. She looks adorable and goes happily on her way to see Kotaro. Kotaro is shy at first until he and Himemiko bond over the puzzle cube.

While Kotaro goes to get drinks, Himemiko gets hit on by some creeps. Nanami wants to go save her but Tomoe stops her. Tomoe explains that Kotaro should be the one to save Himemiko and it is Nanami’s job to nudge him forward. Nanami uses a shirofuda to help Kotaro and he finds his courage. The bond between Kotaro and Himemiko is stronger than ever

Impressions? 9/10 I had forgotten just how well-paced volume one of the series is. It’s been about ten years or more since reading volume one for the first time. (The series ran from 2008 to 2016.) I love the dynamic between Tomoe and Nanami. I also love just how helpful Kotetsu and Onikiri are. Also, wasn’t Himemiko’s temporary human form so cute? I hope everyone has enjoyed this trip down memory lane with me or will consider picking up this classic for the first time.

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