Kimi Ni Todoke, Vol. 1 Review

This month the blog celebrates its second anniversary. I thought it might be nice to close out the month reviewing volume 1 of a beloved classic, Kimi Ni Todoke. I know it is on the top ten list of many shoujo fans.


We meet 15-year-old Sawako Kuronuma, whose motto is doing a good deed each day. Unfortunately for her, since middle school, she’s been stuck with the nickname of a horror movie protagonist. At this point, no one in her high school even knows that’s not her real name. This horror movie character association also leads people to believe silly things, such as Sawako having the ability to see ghosts.

We are also introduced to the school golden boy, who Sawako greatly admires Kazehaya-kun. To her, he is sunshine in a bottle. Kazehaya is kind, intelligent, and popular. Sawako dreams of being someone friendly who others are not afraid of like him. Kazehaya said thank you for Sawako’s help on the first day of school. This surprises her because so many others muttered apologies at her; she hadn’t forgotten that.

Her classmates make up so many silly rumors about her that when Sawako’s classmates start talking about an upcoming haunted house event, Sawako feels terrible that she can’t summon ghosts. Sawako feels self-conscious again when she briefly interacts with Kazehaya. She worries that his looking at her will give him bad luck, which is another one of the powers she supposedly has

Sawako is very self-sacrificing by nature. She is kind not because she wants praise but simply because she feels it is the right thing to do. Sawako believes that her classmates do not notice everything she does, but Kazehaya does. He even tries to volunteer himself when Sawako is assigned a classroom duty that no one wants. Kazehaya’s kindness moves Sawako.

An honest compliment regarding his kindness leads to Kazehaya calling Sawako by her real name, not “Sadako,” the horror movie name everyone else uses. He also invites her to accompany the rest of the class to the haunted trail.

The next day when Sawako overhears some classmates talking about the haunted trail, she happily volunteers to be a ghost. Sawako expresses her feelings well enough to be understood by her classmates, making her happy. Sawako happily plays the ghost as her classmates wander by until Kazehaya stumbles upon her and decides to spend time with her. Kazehaya was the odd man out since he didn’t have a partner. As Sawako marvels at his kindness yet again, Kazehaya feels shy.

When Kazehaya is declared the loser of the haunted trail at school the next day, Sawako and Kazehaya’s classmates try to impose a cruel penalty game. For the two to spend time together. Kazehaya, ever the gentleman, shuts them down immediately. Sawako also does her best to protect him by saying there is nothing romantic about spending time together. She genuinely admires Kazrhaya’s kindness and honesty. On her way to school the next day, Kazehaya meets her at school just when Sawako was feeling glum about the possibility that Kazehaya may not speak to her again. To apologize on behalf of the class and give her the prize from the haunted trail. Sawako is overcome with joy, and we see what Kazehaya’s feelings toward her might be.

Chapter 1

When Summer vacation is over and everyone returns to class, rumors start flying about Sawako confessing to Kazehaya, but it’s just an old-school case of telephone A.K.A. misinformation. It’s raining the first day back, and Kazehaya gives Sawako his towel, and Yano san and Yoshida san (the girls who had Sawako play the ghost) help her to get cleaned up and lend her spare clothes.

Sawako wishes to pay back their kindness, and like a snack-fairy leaves juice at everyone’s desk. When Kazehaya catches up to Sawako, he is relieved to know he didn’t overstep by giving her the towel. Later Sawako takes Kazehaya to meet a stray dog she found by the river. Sawako had given the dog her umbrella, which is why she was drenched when she arrived at school. Kazehays is immediately taken with the puppy and says he will take it home.

With help from his new puppy, Kazehaya can let Sawako know they are friends. In a moment of honesty, Sawako confesses that she wants to become friends with everyone and let her guard down. Kazehaya encourages her to do her best. Sawako notes that she doesn’t feel a barrier between Kazehaya and herself.

Always thinking of others, Sawako brings cookies to school the next day to give them to Kazehaya, Yano, and Yoshida. When she arrives at homeroom, the teacher announces a seating change. At first, some students make a big show of not wanting to be seatmates with Sawako, but Kazehaya and the girls each become her neighbors.

Sawako is happily overcome with emotion to know that she now has willing seatmates and that Kazehaya has once again helped her to tear down barriers. We also see that Sawako’s feelings for Kazahaya kun might grow from admiration and respect to something more.

Chapter 2

Sawako is happy to be greeted every morning at school by Yano and Yoshida. She tries to think of ways to let people know they won’t be cursed just by interacting with her, but the girls tell her that some of her well-intentioned ideas would make matters worse.

A substitute teacher the students call Pin arrives as the boisterous comic relief. He tries his luck by staring at Sawako. When Kazehaya realizes what he’s doing to prove that Sawako can’t give anyone bad luck, Kazehaya also tries looking into Sawako’s eyes but becomes all flustered and blushy as a result.

Sawako’s new seatmates make informal introductions. Sawako learns that Yoshida, first name Chizuru A.K.A. Chizu, and Kazehaya and Ryu all went to the same middle school. Ayane Yano became friends with Chizu by being previous seatmates. Sawako learns that Kazehaya was popular even in middle school and is amazed.

Some girls are talking trash about Sawako’s closeness to Kazehaya and discuss “doing something about it,” but ultimately acknowledge that it would be difficult with Ayane and Chizu around. and asks that someone stay behind to help in the classroom with the roll call sheet, and Sawako and Kazehaya volunteer. for some reason, Pin finds Kazahaya and Sawako Tokimemo moment (a reference to a dating sim) annoying and demands Kazehaya go to the faculty room just to break the vibe. (Pin is hilarious as a hater.)

Kazehaya momentarily sneaks away, and he and Sawako share a sweet moment as they write each other’s name on the call/attendance sheet. Kazehaya has to rush back when Pin jokingly threatens him over the P.A. system. (Haha.) When Kazehaya encourages two nervous classmates to go into the classroom and talk to Sawako, she is moved yet again by his kindness. Kazehaya tells her that it is her own efforts that are changing her life and making him feel inspired by her strength.

Chapter 3

Sawako is happy as soon as she arrives at school because the two nervous classmates from the previous afternoon greeted her again. Ayane and Chizu are happy for her and Chizu is quite moved by Sawako’s sincere efforts. There is a small moment of bonding between Sawako and her seat mates as they decide to tell ghist stories. They learn that Ryu doesn’t scare easily not even during the haunted trail.

Via a horrendously adorable display of old school note passing, Kazehaya asks Sawako to meet him for a walk with his new puppy that they found together, and she agrees.

Kazehaya and Sawako enjoy each other’s company while at the riverside with Maru the dog. Kazehaya learns that even when studying Sawako thinks of ways she can help others and it makes him smile.

Sawako’s small dream of helping others study easily comes true when Kazehaya asks for help in class the next day. Almost the entire class follows suit by asking for her help. including Chizu and Ayane. When the two girls see Sawako’s genuine smile they are suprised. It disappears so quickly though that they think it was an illusion. (I had forgotten how hilarious these two are.)

When Sawako thanks Kazehaya for helping her dream come true, he “hides” Sawako’s smile from a group of students passing by. In the background, we see the girls who want to “do something” about Sawako’s closeness to Kazehaya, lying to Chizu and Ayane, saying that Sawako is spreading rumors about them. The two girls are notably incredulous.

Opinion/rating: a 10/10 It has been years since I’ve read the series. I’ve forgotten how good the pacing is! I can’t wait to continue this trip down memory lane by continuing the series. Kazehaya is top tier. Sawako’s genuine sincerity always melts my heart.

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