A Sign Of Affection, Vol. 5 Review

I had to review one of my favorite currently running manga at least one more time before the year ends. Please see my review of volume four here for anyone needing a quick story refresher.

Chapter 17

The cliffhanger of volume four was that Itsuomi san and Oushi kun were about to face off. Itsuomi san drags Oushi kun to the international studies department (with Oushi kun annoyed the whole time), so they can chat honestly. Itsuoimi san tries a few icebreakers, but Oushi kun ignores him. Finally, Itsomi san says to Oushi kun that the only thing he knows about him is his name and that he is in love with Yuki.

Oushi kun does not appreciate being called out by Itsuomi san. Oushi kun tells him he doesn’t trust him at all, and Oushi kun doesn’t take Itsuomi san seriously. The reason:? Oushi kun feels like Itsuomi san doesn’t take Yuki into account. Itsuomi san doesn’t take care of Yuki in Oushi Kuhn’s opinion. He gives the example of Itsuomi san bringing her home late.

Itsuomi invites Oushi kun to the cafe where he works. Itsuomi san tells Oushi kun he’ll do anything he wants if he shows up. When Oushi kun does show up, it doesn’t take him very long to get drunk and fall asleep.

When Oushi kun wakes up, he argues with Itsuomi san, who insists on taking him home. Oushi kun tells Itsuomi san that it will take more than just learning sign language to win Yuki’s heart. We then see a series of flashbacks depicting Oushi Kun’s “reason” for learning sign language.

Oushi kun’s reason is, of course, Yuki. His affection for her runs so deep that he’s never been able to define what it is. Oushi kun has never wanted to use a word as simple as love because it is a word that “a million other people have said before.” This is how Oushi kun explains himself in his inner monologue. Oushi kun acknowledges that although the words mean the same, whether spoken or signed, they felt special because he and Yuki were in their own little world together.

Oushi kun remembers that Itsuomi san said he would do anything he wanted if he showed up at the cafe. So naturally, he asks Itsuomi san not to see Yuki anymore. Of course, Itsuomi san denies Oushi kun his wish. Stating that he can’t make such a one-sided decision. Itsuomi san explains that he and Yuki are building a trusting relationship and can’t betray her trust that way.

When Oushi kun is honest enough to say that he would hate to steal a girl (Yuki) from someone else, and Itsuomi san praises his honesty, and Oushi kun ends up in tears.

Oushi kun hits Itsuomi san with the age-old if you make her cry, I won’t hold back, line as they head home. Itsuomi san promises not to be the cause of Yuki’s tears.

Chapter 18

This chapter opens with Yuki and her friend Rin-chan dishing about what’s going on In their lives. Rin-chan fills Yuki in on her zoo date with Kyouya. Itsuomi’s san’s cousin, whom she has been crushing on. The girls start to discuss whether or not that makes Rin-chan and Kyouya an item until Itsuomi san pops in. Before he arrived, Rin-chan asked for details about Itsuomi san’s confession, and you can tell it’s a sweet memory for Yuki.

Rin-chan is kind enough to leave the two lovebirds alone to have lunch together. Yuki reminds Itsuomi san that she has an interview for her part-time job after school. Sensing that she is nervous, Itsuomi san shares a German custom with her. A gesture to wish friends/ loved ones luck. Itsuomi san is half German and grew up in Germany.

When Yuki and Itsuomi san part ways, he gets a call from his friend Shin. Shin nervously admits that he hasn’t had the heart to tell Emma that Itsuomi san is seeing someone. He reassures Itsuomi san that he will tell her the next time they meet. Itsuomi san responds by saying to let him know how things go.

Meanwhile, during Yuki’s interview, things went well. It goes so well she gets the job.

Yuki messages Rin-chan and Itsuomi san that she got the job. Yuki’s mom asked her to pick something up at the grocery store on the way home. It looks like Yuki’s usual cashier isn’t there, but before she becomes distressed by the cashier speaking to her, Oushi kun swoops in.

Yuki thanks Oushi kun for his help and is a bit surprised by his kindness. After the masterpiece that was chapter 17, we can all understand why he wants to be there for her. Oushi kun does little to hide his jealous curiosity when he sees Yuki texting Itsuomi san. He tells Yuki that they had a drink together recently. Oushi kun tells Yuki that if Itsuomi san ever makes her cry, let him know immediately.

His expressions in these panels are beautiful. When Yuki starts to defend Itsuomi san, saying that he is difficult to hate, Oushi kun stops her mid-sign.

Since Oushi kun has never been honest with Yuki about his feelings, she is confused by his actions. Although he quickly apologizes for grabbing her hand that way, things feel awkward. Yuki doesn’t tell Oushi kun anything else as they walk home. She feels he is suddenly different from the person she knew.

Chapter 19

During the walk home, Yuki notices how still and closed off Oushi kun is. She guesses that he must be fighting with someone. He tells her that her guess is somewhat accurate but doesn’t elaborate further.

Yuki tells Oushi kun not to worry because she knows he has a lot of kindness deep down. She thinks of how Oushi kun was the only person she could speak to when they first started school, which gave her a lot of hope. Yuki tells him that everything is sure to work out.

Yuki gets called in for her first shift at work. I love how the scenes where her new boss explains what to do are drawn/handled. Her new boss is the aunt of one of her friends from the school for the deaf. As such, she takes great care to face Yuki as she speaks or to show her what to do physically.

Boss-aunt asks Yuki what she intends to do with the money she’ll be earning. First, Yuki says to pay her phone bill, and then she says to save up for her first trip. . When Boss-aunt asks if Yuki intends to go with a friend, her sixth sense kicks in when she sees Yuki’s shy reaction.

As Yuki happily leaves work, she considers stopping by Itsuomi san’s job to say hi, but it’s packed. Meanwhile, Shin is finally meeting up with Emma, the girl who can’t get over Itsuomi san. Shin confesses to Emma about his feelings for her after revealing that Itsuomi san has a girlfriend. Emma seems really shocked by the confession because Shin was the playboy type in high school. He also grew up saying that he would never fall for her. Shin admits he would say that only because he never intended to tell Emma the truth.

As Yuki gets ready for bed, she gets a text from Itsuomi that he’s right outside her window. All he wanted was to say good night, but since it was too dark to sign properly, Yuki rushed out to meet him.

The two embrace for a moment as Itsuomi san lends Yuki his jacket. He asks her if she stopped by the cafe, and she admits she did. Yuki is surprised he noticed since she never went in. Yuki explained that she just wanted to see him for a moment. He responds in a playful, somewhat flirty manner.

When Yuki tells Itsuomi san that she intends to save up her money since she doesn’t tell him why he tells her not to be too eager to save and forget to have fun, Itsuomi san reminds her that they have yet to go on a solo date together. He wants to make sure they have time for each other. Itsuomi san tells Yuki she can choose where they go.

Chapter 20

The day of the couple’s first date arrives. I find it cute that Yuki looked through Instagram for inspiration on where to go. Yuki has brought Itsuomi san to a botanical garden of sorts. The wisteria flowers are beautiful, and the couple is in awe of each other. Yuki explains how much she adores flowers and scenic photography.

After peaking at some of the photos she’s taken, Itsuomi san feels like he understands how Yuki views the world better. Yuki and Itsuomi san take their first couple selfie, and Yuki is on cloud nine.

Yuki and Itsuomi san briefly discuss his outing with Oushi kun. Itsuomi san thinks they hit it off, but Yuki is incredulous. He makes a joke and asks for a kiss. However, since she is feeling shy, Yuki asks for the compromise of holding hands. The *almost-kiss scene is so cute, though.

Itsuomi san decides to explain why he loves to travel so much, but since the explanation is long, he sends Yuki a mini-essay via text. Before Yuki can finish reading the message, he asks to take her on a boat ride. Yuki is happy, and so ends volume five.

Overall impression? An absolute 10/10. I did not expect to care about Oushi kun this much. His feelings for Yuki are far more genuine than I would have thought. It will break my heart when he tells Yuki because she may not know how to respond.

I also appreciate how genuinely in love Itsuomi san is proving himself to be. I admit I was a little worried early on in the series that Itsuomi san was fascinated by Yuki for the wrong reasons. He was referring to her as an untouched/unblemished container that has never heard a negative word. I think he is learning that Yuki experiences the same depth of emotions as anyone else, and he’s falling for her as a person. Yuki is as adorable as ever. I love the fact that she is feeling more confident. Yes, Itsuomi san has made her world bigger, but she is also her own lovely person.

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