Like A Butterfly, Vol. 1 Review

I decided to pick up Like A Butterfly because it is from the same mangaka duo as A Sign Of Affection. Although it began its English publication in the Summer of 2023, it is important to note that the series originally began publication sometime in 2012.

Chapter 1

Suiren is a high school freshman who hopes to have an ordinary school life. This dream seems almost impossible when she is labeled a mysterious, unattainable flower. In truth, Suiren is simply shy by nature. She was so fed up with the unwanted attention when she was younger that she even attended an all-girls school for middle school to no avail. Middle school boys had a bad habit of waiting for her at the school gates. She became quiet and reserved partly because of the way boys would overreact and swoon whenever she spoke or showed emotion.

The first month of school goes by, and Suiren has only her friend Aya as company as the boys in school admire her from a distance. Suiren is trying to go home one day when a gaggle of boys is vying for her attention, offering to walk her home. When an overzealous boy snatches her bag, Suiren is relieved when another boy arrives to set him straight with a well-timed karate move.

Although he helps her, Suiren is intrigued when she realizes the mysterious boy never met her gaze.

The next day, Suiren and Aya go up to the roof for lunch to try and escape the stares of their male classmates. Once on the roof, the girls stumble upon the same mysterious boy defending himself against Suiren’s unwanted suitors from the previous day. Looking like the protagonist of an action series, he once again puts the goons in their place.

With the help of his kind and talkative friend, Ryosuke we learn the mysterious fighter is named Kawasumi. Suiren and Aya thank the boys for dealing with the suitors. After meeting Kawasumi, Suiren finally feels she has a reason to stay at her new school.

Chapter 2

When Suiren and Aya arrive at school a few days later, the spot the troublesome suitors that Kawasumi scared off. They make themselves scarce as soon as they see Suiren. Aya takes it as a good sign. When Suiren and Aya see Kawasumi and Ryosuke pass by in a bit of a rush (Ryosuke takes a moment to say hello.), they get the skinny from a classmate named Yuri on the rumors swirling around Kawasumi. They say that he won against third years in a three-on-one fight. Yuri reassures the girls that it wasn’t unprovoked, even if it were true. She knows Kawasumi from middle school and knows he won’t start a fight.

Yuri also tells Suiren and Aya that Kawasumi has never been very talkative, even in middle school. He was always the “I wouldn’t be caught dead talking to a girl” type. Aya notices that Suiren is behaving a little differently but doesn’t comment further.

The freshmen all start buzzing when they hear that Kawasumi has been asked to go to the roof by a female upperclassman. Everyone is sure that the upperclassman intends to ask Kawasumi for a date.

For some reason, the girl’s bestie introduces her as Koharu, a girl who likes strong guys. Kawasumi turns her down so quickly that Koharu barely gets a chance to ask him out.

Kawasumi’s reason for turning her down isn’t unkind. He tells her he wouldn’t know how to talk to a girl. )Not surprising. Nowadays, a woman can barely get a grown man to text back.) This doesn’t discourage Koharu. She finds Kawasumi cute.

Suiren, having accidentally heard the exchange, realizes that she and Kawasumi have something in common. She also finds it difficult to talk to others.

Suiren is happy when she sees Kawasumi smile while talking to Ryosuke moments later.

Suiren admits that Kawasumi somehow makes her feel at ease. Later that day, Suiren witnesses Kawasumi trying to ignore a love letter from his new admirer, Koharu. When Koharu pops up like a daisy, Kawasumi tries his best to dodge her advances.

Surprisingly, Suiren joins Koharu in trying to get Kawasumi’s attention.

Chapter 3

Everyone in the hall is surprised to see Suiren, of all people, clinging to Kawasumi, including Kawasumi’s bestie, Ryosuke, who calls Suiren Flower. When Koharu starts interrogating Suiren, Kawasumi clearly slips away.

Even Aya is surprised by Suiren’ssudden interest in Kawasumi. Suiren tells Aya she was trying to repay the favor by helping Kawasumi. Aya’s not fully convinced. Kawasumi offers Ryosuke the same explanation for Suiren’s unexpected behavior.

Ryosuke is also not convinced by Kawasumi’s explanation. Noting that his friend is talking more than usual.

The next morning, everyone’s buzzing about how Suiren was “all over Kawasumi yesterday. The students start speculating that they may be dating. Ryosuke comes to Kawasumi’s defense at the top of his lungs. Declaring that Suiren and Kawasumi are not dating.

Ryosuke is a bit overzealous in his defense, and Kawasumi tells him to dial it back and leave Suiren alone. Suiren doesn’t speak, although it seems like she wants to say “Good morning.” Unexpectedly Kawazumi calls out to Suiren by her last name.

Kawasumi called out to Suiren because he wanted to apologize to her for the awkward situation with Koharu. (They are already too cute.)

Suiren is left dazed by this sudden apology. Aya asks her if she actually likes Kawasumi, and although Suiren doesn’t give a definitive answer, Aya and Yuri can’t help but notice her blushing face.

Chapter 4

Suiren wonders why Aya kept asking if she likes Kawasumi. Aya and Yuri realize that Suiren is not herself throughout the day. Yuri jokes that the plot thickens as she and Aya realize that Suiren may be falling for Kawasumi and doesn’t know it yet.

Koharu makes an appearance and asks Suiren if they are rivals. (At least the girl is straightforward.) Suiren doesn’t answer beyond shaking her head no when Koharu asks if Suiren likes her or hates her.

Koharu says she doesn’t really care either way as long as Suiren isn’t her rival. Koharu declares that rather than a “mysterious flower’ as Suiren is nicknamed, she’d rather be a butterfly who can fly wherever she pleases.

Right after her speech, Koharu spots Kawasumi and makes a beeline for him. Aya encourages Suiren to catch up to Kawasumi as he tries to hide from Koharu. Kawasumi thinks that Suiren keeps trying to protect him and he feels a bit embarrassed.

Suiren finds herself thinking about Kawasumi and how he told her not to worry about him. To Suiren, even the hallway suddenly looks different when Kawasumi is there.

Despite what he said, Suiren feels like she can’t stop worrying about Kawasumi. She thinks about what Koharu said and wishes she could be a butterfly to be by Kawasumi’s side.

Chapter 5

It’s the first class trip. All the freshmen are going to the beach. Aya is happy that Suiren has decided to go because she avoided school trips due to her popularity in middle school. After she spots Kawasumi playing volleyball with friends, Suiren absentmindedly draws glasses in the sand.

Suiren is so distracted she doesn’t even notice when she gets hit by a volleyball. She does notice when Kawasumi comes over, but they are interrupted by the volleyball players. Later, when Kawasumi sees Suiren alone, he asks her if her arm is okay from the run-in with the ball.

After Kawasumi’s kindness, Suiren puts herself out there and calls his name.

Chapter 6

After unexpectedly calling out to him, Suiren is at a loss for words with Kawasumi. She thinks to herself that she doesn’t want to be stuck, only looking at his back or side, but his side profile may not be so bad as they gaze at the ocean together.

Ryo comes and unknowingly interrupts their quiet moment. When Ryosuke mentions the volleyball game, Suiren gets a glimpse of Kawasumi’s competitive side. Suiren surprises herself when she tells Kawasumi she’ll be rooting for him.

Kawasumi surprises himself, too, when he answers Suiren with an enthusiastic, Okay!

Aya and Yuri admit to Suiren that they witnessed her interaction with Kawasumi. Aya is pleasantly surprised that Suiren talked to a boy. She tells her friends they already “knew” how she felt about Kawasumi. Aya and Yuri are happy that Suiren figured it out for herself. As Ryosuke and Kawasumi dominate the volleyball game, their classmates are sipping on that haterade, reminding Kawasumi that Suiren doesn’t talk to boys. (No, young sirs, she just doesn’t talk to ya’ll because you all annoy her. )

Chapter 7

Ryosuke is in the middle of teasing Kawasumi about Koharu and giving him dating advice when they run into Suiren. (He still calls her Flower.) Ryosuke says that although she doesn’t talk, he would love to go on a date with her. Kawasumi asks Ryosuke if it’s true she doesn’t talk. Kawasumi politely refers to Suiren by her last name. Ryosuke tells him it is well known she never speaks.

For the first time, we see that Kawasumi is also thinking of Suiren. More specifically, about how she spoke to him. When Suiren sees Koharu in the hall Suiren stops her to say she hates her. Koharu’s reaction to Suiren speaking to her is hilarious.

When Koharu spots Kawasumi, and Suiren doesn’t let go, she realizes the “mysterious flower” is now her rival. This doesn’t keep Koharu down. She declares that she’s cute too. Koharu tells Suiren to do her best, although she will be the one to date Koharu.

When Suiren and Kawasumi run into each other soon afterward, they have an adorable bowing interaction. Ryosuke notices that Kawasumi seems distracted at Karate practice. Kawasumi arrived late, was still wearing his glasses, and his belt was tied in a hurry. Kawasumi doesn’t tell Ryosuke he ran into Suiren.

As he moves through the school, Kawasumi hears all the “mysterious flower” rumors swirling around Suiren and wonders if she’s really so far away. Ryosuke notices that Suiren and her friends eat on the roof. Kawasumi is overcome with shyness when Ryosuke tries to wave to the girls.

Kawasumi wonders what inspired Suiren to talk to him and cheer him on.

Overall impression? 8.5/10 I enjoyed the story the more I read it. I’ll definitely continue the series. Although Ryosuke jokes that Kawasumi shouldn’t date someone too similar to himself because they would hardly speak, I think the similarities between Suiren and Kawasumi will help make them a really cute couple. So often in shoujo we see the opposites attract trope, It’s nice to see kindred spirits falling for each other.

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