Perfect World, Vol. 2 Review

This review has been on the back burner for a while, and I am happy to have finally had time to post it. Note: I am referring to the protagonists by their first names, but they are still referring to each other using their last names

Chapter 1

The Chapter opens with Itsuki reminiscing about how he felt he no longer belonged in the world after his injury. He also ruminates on how Tsugumi made him feel as if the world was capable of kindness.

In the present we see Itsuki and Haruto-kun enjoying a wheelchair basketball game. (As a wheelchair user, I’ve always thought sporty wheelchairs look so cool.) Tsugumi is happily watching on as the boys play. Haruto-kun’s girlfriend asks Tsugumi if she and Itsuki will attend the end-of-year party, and Tsugumi says yes. Tsugumi happily thinks back to the night that she and Itsuki decided to start dating. They have agreed to keep the relationship private at work, and the only person who knows about the relationship is Itsuki’s mom.

Itsuki and Tsugumi had a nice time at the party while everyone discussed holiday plans. One person guesses that the two have started dating, and they neither confirm nor deny it. Tsugumi and Itsuki discuss the possibility of taking a trip together, and Harut0-kun and his girlfriend, Maka, may even join them. One of Itsuki’s basketball friends mentioned they intend to go wheelchair surfing. (If I weren’t terrified of drowning, that would be cool.)

Itsuki mentions he’s a little nervous about his relationship with Tsugumi, but his friends and colleagues reassure him that all relationships face challenges. Often, a relationship is all the more beautiful for overcoming such challenges.

The day of the outing arrives, and everyone is excited. Harut0-kun and his girlfriend, Maka, are as cheerful as ever. Tsugumi notices how much Haruto-kun has changed since playing basketball, and Itsuki explains that Haruto-kun has dedicated himself to the sport. Itsuki says that there are times that he has felt as if he is the only disabled person around, but being at the center with the other players helps him be at peace.

The two couples have a cute little mini adventure while trying to make it up a steep hill. Haruto-kun and Maka are so cute. The two high schoolers are basically falling in love all over again. Itsuki admits he finds the pair inspiring.

Tsugumi is pleasantly surprised when Itsuki offers her a gift to commemorate the start of their relationship. Itsuki gives Tsugumi an adorable necklace, which she tries on immediately.

While chatting about how Itsuki would like to get her something better for her birthday, Tsugumi can’t help but shed tears of relief. Tsugumi had been anxious, thinking that perhaps Itsuki had only started dating her out of kindness. She is glad to realize that her happiness and excitement are mutual. In response, Itsuki kisses her. Tsugumi is so happy to be Itsuki’s girlfriend. Itsuki thinks about how much he wishes to treasure Tsugumi and treat her well.

Despite their lovely day together, Itsuki seems plagued by strange dreams over the next few days. Tsugumi notices something is on his mind and reassures Itsuki that he can talk to her about anything. Taking her at her word, Itsuki makes what is in my humble wheelchair using opinion an abrupt and unsafe transfer from his chair to the floor. Tsugumi and Itsuki sit together as he tells her about his dreams. Itsuki explains that he keeps dreaming about their day trip to Enoshima. In his dreams, the memories from his childhood visit there and their recent visit together are all mixed up. What is most surprising to Itsuki is that in his dreams, he and Tsugumi climb the stairs together to look at the sunset while standing side by side with no wheelchair in sight.

Itsuki explains that right after his accident, he had frequent dreams of being healed, only to wake up and discover that he wasn’t. He tells Tsugumi it’s been years since he’s had such dreams. ( I myself often dream that I am walking. Typically, I only dream about being in my chair if I dream of a memory.) Itsuki tells Tsugumi that he can’t help thinking about everything they could see and do together if only he could walk. He wants to walk so badly that sometimes, he feels as if the desire to do so is killing him. Tsugumi hugs him in response, feeling just how difficult it must be to deal with such a heavy truth. Tsugumi thinks she can feel Itsuki’s sadness despite the warmth of his hug.

Chapter 2

A mutual friend whose husband plays basketball with Itsuki advises Tsugumi when she asks how she can help Itsuki regarding his walking dreams. The friend tells Tsugumi that her husband also has such dreams, and the best she can do is be supportive while not giving in to negativity. It is something that the differently abled person must do their best to come to terms with.

Itsuki and Tsugumi are driving back to their hometown for New Year’s, and they chat while on the road. Tsugumi asks if Itsuki has continued having dreams, and he reassures her he is fine now. When Tsugumi reiterates that he can talk to her about anything, Itsuki says he is lucky to have someone to share things with. Tsugumi asks who is taking care of Itsuki’s cat while he’s away, and he explains that his cat will be staying with his caretaker.

Tsugumi asks to know a little more about his caretaker, and Itsuki explains that she was a nurse when he originally began receiving physical therapy, and he feels she saved his life. Just when it seems Tsugum is getting a bit jealous, he casually says, you know she’s married, right? Tsugumi’s relief is hilariously written all over her face. Itsuki drops Tsugumi off near her childhood home and briefly encounters her dad.

Tsugumi is having a nice time with her family, including her parents, her brother, and her sister-in-law. As well as an adorable niece and nephew. When the subject of dating and children comes up (as they often do at family functions), Tsugumi tells everyone that she and Itsuki are dating. She happily starts telling her family all about Itsuki, his career, and what a great person he is. Unfortunately, when she tells everyone he is in a wheelchair, her father becomes cold and makes an excuse to leave the room. (Boo! That makes me so mad.)

Tsugumi’s mother tells her that her father hasn’t been able to do much physical labor ever since he fell ill last year. He’s been doing his best not to feel like he is burdening others. (So basically, Dad is projecting and angry that Tsugumi can talk about Itsuki’s condition like it’s just a normal fact of life. News flash, Dad,  for those of us who are differently-abled, it is a fact of life, and we do the best we can.) Mom asks if Tsugumi has thought about marriage and how Itsuki’s needs might change as he ages. Tsugumi admits that she hasn’t thought that far ahead. (Everybody chill. They’ve been dating for five minutes.)  Dad doesn’t talk to Tsugumi for the remainder of her visit.

Itsuki’s mom and stepdad greet Tsugumi warmly as the pair meet up. Itsuki explains that his dad passed away when he was in elementary school. Tsugumi realizes they still have a lot to learn about each other. Itsuki apologizes to Tsugumi for not leaving the car to greet her father. He promises to greet her father properly next time. Itsuki’s thoughtfulness and consideration move Tsugumi as they head to the shrine to celebrate the new year.

Tsugumi is surprised when she and Itsuki run into an old classmate, Koreda-san. She happily reintroduces Koreda-san to Itsuki and says she and Itsuki are dating. Tsugumi admits to Itsuki that she feels awkward around Koreda-san because he often teased her when they were younger. After Tsugumi and Itsuki leave, we learn that the former classmate used to have a crush on Tsugumi.

When Itsukii and Tsugumi arrive at Itsuki’s apartment, his caretaker is there. The caretaker introduces herself as Nagasawa-san and initially seems perfectly nice until Itsuki is distracted by a work call. Nagasawa-san suddenly tells Tsugumi that she knows far more about Itsuki’s heart and body than someone like Tsugumi will ever know. (Girl, get over yourself. You can go to the left, to the left.) Tsugumi is understandably shocked.

Chapter 3

The caretaker warns  Tsugumi that being with a disabled person is not to be taken lightly, and Tsugumi says she thinks she understands. Tsugumi intends to do laundry, but the detergent accidentally spilled. (I think the caretaker created the spill to make it look like Tsugumi’s fault.) When Itsuki turns away from his work, everyone realizes he has suffered a foot injury. (His condition means he has no feeling in his leg.) Tsugumi feels powerless to help as his caretaker takes charge. (Remember, she is a former nurse.)

When the caretaker leaves, Tsugumi admits she feels overwhelmed by the caretaker’s relationship with Itsuki. Itsuki sits beside Tsugumi to explain how the caretaker helped him regain the will to live.

At the time of his accident, everyone around Itsuki treated him with Kid gloves. His then-nurse was the exception. She wouldn’t let him get away with having a pity party and neglecting his rehab. Itsuki was taken to the rehab center, where his nurse had him meet all types of people. Itsuki realized that there were children younger than him and others in worse conditions than him. It gave Itsuki the reality check he needed. From that point Itsuki remembered that he was not the only person with a disability.

From then on, Itsuki and his nurse worked tirelessly to get him to the point where he could do everyday things independently. At first, even transferring in and out of his chair alone was difficult, but Itsuki got through it.

Soon after beginning his rehab, Itsuki is introduced to a wheelchair-using architect. The architect explains that he, too, suffered a spinal cord injury. The architect tells Itsuki that he, too, can be an architect and that using a chair should not stop him. Itsuki is inspired to keep trying his best.

Although Tsugumi has a clearer picture of the importance of Itsuki’s caretaker in his life, she can’t help feeling that there is a chasm between her abilities and Itsuki’s caretaker’s abilities.

When we see Ms. Caretaker alone, we glimpse divorce papers. Interesting. We also learn via a flashback that she is very likely in love with Itsuki. She kissed him while he was asleep while fighting a cold. (Girl, what are you doing?) Ms. Caretaker admits to herself that she is jealous of Tsugumi and feels pitiful.

The next day, Tsugumi gets a call at work from Koreda-san, the person she ran into at the shrine. The former classmate tries to get Tsugumi to open up to him about her love life, but she respectfully says she must work through it on her own. Koreda-san asks Tsugumi if a relationship should be so much work. Tsugumi says all relationships require effort. Koreda-san tells her that passion is what he finds most important. Tsugumi thanked him for the meal and called him a bit assertive in his beliefs. He is left pondering about his unresolved feelings for her.

Chapter 4

Tsugumi is excited to be working on a project for a barrier-free home alongside Itsuki. She is hoping to make the project a success, but she has been suffering from anxiety ever since meeting  Itsuki’s caretaker, Nagasawa-san. Tsugumi and Itsuki spend a day at the park along with Haruto-kun’s girlfriend, Maka-chan (Haruto-kun is hanging out with other friends today. When Tsugumi and Maka-chan step away to get drinks, everyone is startled when Itsuki suffers a fall. Itsuki tried to help a child with a ball when his wheel got stuck.

Strangers at the park help Itsuki get back into his chair despite him saying he can handle getting back up himself. Tsugumi is beside herself despite Itsuki’s reassurance that he is fine. Later that night, Tsugumi can’t sleep and calls Itsuki. Itsuki answered her call right away because he was experiencing phantom pain. Tsugumi worries when Itsuki tells her about his pain, but he reassures her he’ll be fine and that she needs to rest up for their consultation with their client tomorrow.

The next day, Tsugumi goes over to Itsuki’s house. She insists on doing things for him, saying the more she is able to do for him, the less his caretaker has to do. )I’m a little worried about her insistence. She means well, but Itsuki may find it a bit smothering.) Tsugumi asks Itsuki about an item she found that has a lot of screws and bolts. She worries the cat could be injured by it and asks what it is. Itsuki explains that the bolts were put into his spine after the accident and removed two years later. Upon their removal, Itsuki asked to keep the bolts as a reminder of what he’s been through.

Tsugumi is overcome with emotion when Itsuki explains this ordeal. She wishes that she could erase some of his burdens but doesn’t know how to help.

Itsuki tells Tsugumi that he can’t escape his reality, and the bolts remind him not to do so. Tsugumi asks Itsuki if she is doing a good job as his girlfriend, and he tells her he is so much happier than before. Itsuki also tells Tsugumi that his boss asked if he would be okay working with his girlfriend on their current work project. Meaning that the pair have been acknowledged as a couple.

Itsuki suddenly has a major computer problem, and he is stressed out. Tsugumi offers to call their former classmate, Koreda-san. Koreda-san is a systems engineer who offers to come right over.

Koreda-san quickly identifies Itsuki’s computer problem, and Tsugumi rushes to the store to get tea and snacks. While Tsugumi is out, Koreda-san decides to be passive-aggressive. When Itsuki thanks Koreda-san for the help, Koreda-san says he would do anything for Tsugumi and will always rush to her side when needed.

Tsugumi runs into Koreda-san outside as he’s leaving. Koreda-santella hers he’s leaving now that he has fixed the computer. Tsugumi is surprised that Koreda-san is leaving so quickly. Koreda-san says they should have lunch together again, and he snaps and hugs Tsugumi when she mentions inviting Itsuki along. Tsugumi is confused by the hug, but Koreda-san plays it off as a joke. Even though he asked Tsugumi why she was driving herself crazy for Itsuki’s sake.

Chapter 5

Before Tsugumi returned to the apartment, Itsuki asked Koreda-san what he meant by he would do “anything” for Tsugumi. Koreda-san boldly declares that it is a declaration of war. (That’s pretty bold, my guy.)

On her way home, Tsugumi’s anxiety goes from bad to worse when her mom texts her, saying that her dad would like to talk. Tsugumi nearly has a panic attack on the train. The next day, Tsugumi and  Itsuki head to the site of the client’s future home. Ideas are flowing, and Tsugumi is diligently taking notes on Itsuki’s ideas. On their way home, it starts to pour, and Itsuki and Tsugumi decide to take a cab. Note: Even with a manual wheelchair like Itsuki’s, grabbing a cab can be difficult and stressful for wheelchair users.

While in the cab, Tsugumi gets a call from Koreda-san. She quickly tells him she’s with Itsuki in a cab. To avoid any misunderstanding (bless her), Tsugumi quickly tells Itsuki it was Koreda-san, and he’s just a friend. Itsuki tells Tsugumi he trusts her. (Yay for maturity!)

Koreda-san isn’t dumb, and he knows Tsugumi is avoiding him. He’s feeling lower than the rent on a burning building, but that’s his problem. Tsugumi is feeling a little run down. Most likely because she is pushing herself to go to Itsuki’s house every day after work to avoid Nagasawa-san going so often. When leaving Itsuki’s apartment later that night, Tsugumi runs into Nagasawa-san.  Nagasawa-san is in the mood to be trifling and goes out of her way to mention she doesn’t mind helping Itsuki since she’s single.

Moments after this revelation from Itsuki’s caretaker, Tsugumi gets a phone call from her mother. Tsugumi’s father is worried that Tsugumi has changed since dating Itsuki. Tsugumi’s parents insist on meeting him soon. The next day, Itsuki and Tsugumi wait for the train to get to their job site, and Tsugumi is visibly exhausted. Tsugumi suddenly asks Itsuki if they can live together. Before Itsuki can answer this sudden request, Tsugumi falls onto the train tracks like something out of a telenovela. (Gasps in Spanish.)

Itsuki is beside himself as train attendants rush to help Tsugumi. When the attendants insist he calls someone to meet them at the hospital, Tsugumi’s phone rings, and Itsuki tells Koreda-san to meet them. Koreda-san rushes to the hospital, and the doctors inform Koreda-san and Itsuki about Tsugumi’s condition. Tsugumi has suffered a non-life-threatening head injury as well as a leg fracture. She also has a fever, and her stomach is not in the best shape, indicating stress. Itsuki is left feeling powerless because he couldn’t help Tsugumi at the moment of her fall.

OMG. I did not know I would need tissues for the end of this volume. I loved the communication on Itsuki’s part throughout the volume. He answered Tsugumi’s questions, opened up to her, and did his best to reassure her. Perhaps if Tsugumi had been a little more honest about her level of stress, the dramatic ending of this volume could have been avoided.

I appreciate the realistic nature of Tsugumi’s father’s opinion. I don’t agree with it in the slightest, but I know there are people who have the same kind of worries that Tsugumi’s parents express. I’m anticipating angst city in volume three and possibly stretching out to volume four as well. I think it’s important for Tsugumi’s parents and even Koreda-san to realize that they cannot decide who or what Tsugumi’s life should be like. The same goes for Itsuki’s caretaker, Nagasawa-san; it is Itsuki and Tsugumi’s choice to be together, and that choice should be respected by those around them.

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